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There are mentions of abuse, self harm, and past suicide attempts also if you are’s only a couple pecks on the lips. If you are easily triggered by these things i suggest you do NOT read this story. Also special thanks to The Hermit Cat who posted the amazing color sensory guid from a fanfic that inspired this story.

Now lets begin!!


“And the rain?”

“it’s like…”


“Yeah, with a hint of red.”


Tyler sat looking out the window at the rain that pounded on the glass pane.


Tyler looked up at his friend, his mocha eyes looked…… yeah, green-orange. His c major lips turned down in a frown, he looked He looked yellow-blue-red.

“Are you ok?” he asked, his mocha eyes staring into mine

“I’m fine.” i said looking away from him and turning my attention to the crisper red rain again. He sighed, he sighed a sigh with his c major lips that was like green-orange, and then he sat on my bed and closed his mocha eyes. His name is Josh.

Suddenly he sat up, and cocked his head to the side, listening.

“My mom?” i asked

“Yup.” he said as he got up and walked toward the closet to hide, “make it quick, ok?” he asked as he closed the door and my mom walked in.

“Tyler?” she asked


“What are you doing?”

“Talking to Josh.” I instantly regretted saying anything.

“Ty, you know Josh isn’t real, right?” she asked me, her eyes held some type of emotion, something like yellow, and blue, and red… what was that called again? I didn’t know… Josh would know, he knows everything…

“Right” i said, repeating her with a small smile

She sighed, closed her eyes, and looked back at me with a smile that showed her pink-red-orange teeth.

“Don’t forget you have an appointment with Dr.Percival wednesday, ok?” she said

“Ok” i repeated, only thinking about how much i wanted her to leave so Josh could come back. She gave a small smile and then turned to leave.

Once she was gone and you could no longer hear her feet against the hardwood floor, Josh stepped out of the closet, a red-green-orange look on his face, a nasty frown on his perfect c major lips.

“Dr,Percival.” he said “i don’t like him.” he spat as he jumped on top of my dresser, being careful to not knock anything over or be to harsh with it.

“Well, if you don’t like him i can always go back to Dr.Rendall.” i said laying on my bed, looking up at the white, sad ceiling

I heard Josh jump off the dresser and heard him make his way over to me. He took my hand in his and looked me right in the eye. His mocha eyes full of something yellow-blue-red, the same as mom’s eyes.

“No.” he said “don’t go back there again Tyler, please!” he said, his c major lips hung open showing his tiger-growl teeth.

“Relax, it was just a joke.” i said looking away from him

“It wasn’t very funny” he said dropping my hand.

“haha, sorry”


Thanks for reading.

ForestOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz