Chapter 5: Woo Hee's Birthday

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Baek Ah's plan #2 starts, just yesterday he just made a serenade for Woo Hee, now he is planning to do something and it would be giving her a very beautiful present.

Baek Ah went to the jewelry shop

"Excuse me miss? Do you have necklaces?" Baek Ah asked the storelady

The storelady then led him to a glass box full of necklaces.

The necklace with shimmering diamonds caught his attention more with the moon pendant, hence, he just chose that necklace.

Baek Ah then went to Cake Shop to buy the yummiest cake he knew.

"Excuse me, can I have the white chocolate mango marble cake? Thank you" he smiled and get the box of cake.

He then went to the mall, first to the small flower shop. Then to the department store to get a dress for Woo Hee.

At the mansion .....

A long table nicely decorated is now outside at the garden pavilion. Chae Ryung and the other maids placed all the foods and two elegant looking candelabra.

Just then the brothers finally came with gifts on their hands. On the other hand, Sophie and Ha Jin went with their nice dresses and gifts on hand.

Chae Ryung figured out to place another table for the gifts.

Baek Ah finally came and placed all his gifts on the table Chae Ryung set up

"Woah, you sure have a lot of gifts to give for Woo Hee" Eun said.

"Keep up the good work Baek Ah" said Wook

Wook finally realized the things Baek Ah was doing and that is courting Woo Hee.

They all then settled down and waited for Woo Hee.

Woo Hee then finally came, she wore a nice elegant cocktail dress, and her hair was on a messy curls bun, and she had Smokey makeup.

Then Baek Ah came to her

"Happy Birthday Woo Hee" Baek Ah said.

"Thank you" Woo Hee smiled.

Then he guided her to her seat.

Then the dinner began.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Everyone exclaimed and cheered for Woo Hee.

Woo Hee just smiles.

"Yah! Woo Hee are you alright now?" Sophie asked.

"Oh..well..yes, thanks to Baek Ah" Woo Hee responded.

Then the brothers jokingly made a romantic gesture towards Baek Ah.

"Woo Hee, we prepared gifts for you, wanna open them later?" Jung asked.

"Yeah, we're sure you'll get happy all your life" Yo said.

"Thank you everyone, I never expected this to happen, did you know that it was my birthday?" Woo Hee said.

"Baek Ah told us" Wook said.

Woo Hee looked at Baek Ah and Baek Ah looked back, she then smiled, he also smiled.

"Alright, now that we're all done with our dinner, I think it's time to open the gifts."

The brothers stood up while Sophie and Ha Jin just chitchatted.

They all gathered at the gifts table, Won then offered Woo Hee to sit down.

Baek Ah then shoved all his gifts to Woo Hee's lap, they're all from mine.

Scarlet Heart Ryeo 2: Baek Ah and Woo Hee. Limitless loveWhere stories live. Discover now