Chapter 3: The Freakiest Freak in Freak Town

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"So this lock down," Sully said as she was lighting candles. "Is it all about you?"

Rorrick suddenly felt a burning guilt. He knew he was putting Sully in danger by coming here but he did it anyway. "Uh, kind of, I guess."

"Oh." Sully lit the last candle and looked around. She seemed uncomfortable. She watched Lotus as the black clad woman inspected the apartment. "I think maybe it's still too dark. I gotta get some more candles."

When she was gone, Lotus moved closer to Rorrick. "You shouldn't have told her all that stuff. She doesn't need to know who you are, what you can do!"

"What else was I supposed to do? Put her life in danger and lie to her? I'm not that kinda guy."

"No, instead you're the kinda guy who tells all his secrets to a perfect stranger."

"Sully's not a stranger, you're a stranger, and you seem to already know all my secrets so where does that leave me?"

"You can trust me, I don't know about her though."

"And how am I supposed to know about you? We just met."

"I saved your life back at your place."

"Mr. Lucky saved my life. Now he's probably dead. That blond woman probably killed him, she seems like the type to hurt small creatures."

"Ugh, not that cat again."

Rorrick waved his hand at her. "Aw, you'll never understand, animal hater."

"I don't hate animals."

Sully came back into the room, a candle in each hand. "It's a good thing my cousin works for Wicked. She gives me a new scented candle every time she sees me. This one's chocolate raspberry tort, and this one's." She sniffed the second candle and grimaced. "I don't know, yesterday's left over puke or something. Maybe we won't light that one." Sully fidgeted with her lighter. When she'd lit her last candle she turned to the others with a nervous grin. "Why so tense? Did I interrupt something?"

"We were just--"

"Nope," Lotus interrupted Rorrick.


"Oh, that's good." Sully took a seat and the three of them stared silently at each other. "So, who are you anyway?"

Lotus looked at Sully and Rorrick could sense that she wasn't pleased with Sully's questions. "Rorrick's friend."

"Oh." Sully nodded and everyone went quiet again.

When he became uncomfortable with the amount of time which had passed in silence Rorrick asked, "Should we play a game?"

Sully scratched her head and scrunched her nose. "I don't own any games."

"You don't own a single game?"

"I don't really like games."

"You don't like games?" Rorrick laughed. "That's ridiculous."

"Not everyone likes games," Lotus chimed in. "Games are stupid."

"Games are fun. What's wrong with you two? You don't like games, you don't like animals. You are the most boring people to be on lock down with."

When Sully responded her voice was darker, heavier. "Well if you would stop fighting ToCo like this then we wouldn't be on lock down."

Lotus suddenly stood up. Her head was shaking back and forth as she moved for the window. "We shouldn't be here."

"What?" Sully was up too but she didn't move to stop her guest. "No, it's fine, you can stay."

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