Chapter 2

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Whitemouth POV

I paced around back and fourth i was worried she left to the food store i don't want the autobots catching her do those humans know that their partners are ALIENS like me wow i just offended myself nevermind its been 30 minutes since she left she knows i worry! i heard a car pull up and i ran to the window above the bed i saw a green car pull up Nava's is red though wait a minute Jo! i barked and she came in and said "Hi Whitemouth its me Jo!" "Hi Jo have you seen Nava where is she is she safe is she ok is she missing is she dead?" i yelled scared "Whitemouth you worry to much shes fine and she ain't dead and i don't know where she is i came here to talk to her but she doesn't seem to be here." Jo said "She said she was going shopping!" i said to Jo "OK." Jo said "Wait she might be dead the rescue bots they are dreadful!" i yelled "AM COMING NAVA!" i yelled and the door was still open and i ran outside to the town i heard Jo scream my name but i didn't turn around i ran in town and went where all the shops were and i saw the food store on fire! i yelled "NAVA!" i saw the rescue team but then ran in the blaze to find Nava and rescue her! i saw Nava passed out i grabbed her hand and dragged her out of the burning store and i tapped her with my nose and she didn't wake up i was sad then i got angry when i heard a growl i turned around and saw a bot dog he looked like me but brown and the 4 other bots i growled protecting my human friend  "Tell that dumb bot to clam down we are trying to help!" the orange haired guy named Kade i growled and said "You dumb autobots!" i said "I feel insulted!" the blue bot said "Wait how does it know your autobots?" the girl known as Danny said the red bot saw my mark he must think am a con because he screamed out "CON!" i growled and i then turned around Nava she was standing  up i smiled and ran to her and the 4 bots tried acting like robots "You dumb autobots i know what you are!" Nava said "Nava can we speak about this at the firehouse?" Danny asked "Good idea." Chief said then a green car pulled up it was Jo "All humans clear the area." The blue bot said all humans left Jo was forced to leave but before she left she gave me and Nava a ride home. Nava patted my head when we got there Jo then had her talk with Nava then Nava and me went over to Chief's home. "So let me get this straight you been friends with this bot since your high school?" Chief Burns asked "Yup." Nava said i wonder what high school is. "So this thing never hurts you." the red bot asked "Um excuse me but who are you bots." i asked a little upset "Am Heatwave leader of the rescue bots." The red bot known as Heatwave "I am Chase." the blue bot said "Am Boulder." the green bot said "Am Blades." the white one said "Am Whitemouth." i said i then saw Nava staring and making eye contact with Graham so he was too i smiled and the yellow haired kid laughed i think his name was Cody? i think so then suddenly a race car came in and almost ran me over luckily i ran out of the way and Heatwave groaned and then a truck come in it was yellow then a grey car came in then Heatwave spoke and said "That is Blurr and salvage and also-" he was cut off by the grey car the 3 transformed "I am Quickshadow." the grey car known as Quickshadow "We should get going am gonna call Jo to pick us up." Nava said she walked outside and i followed her and Jo pulled up in the driveway of the firehouse Nava opened a car door to the back seat and i jumped in then she closed the door and she opened the other door to the front passenger seat she hopped in and looked back at me and she said "Oh crap forgot to put your seat pelt on." she said grabbing the door handle but then Jo said "No here i got it." "Ok." Nava said letting go of the door handle then Jo opened her door then opened my door then grabbed the seat pelt and it went into the buckle then Jo closed my door and got in the drivers seat then putted on her seat pelt and closed her door and started driving to our house we got there we got to the burnses at 8:10 but when we got to the house and started pulling up the dirt road in the forest to our lodge it was 11:21 Jo was tired of driving Nava asked her if she would like to spend the night and she agreed lucky us there was two bedrooms you must be wondering simple with Nava so Jo parked her car behind Nava i still don't know why Nava took her car but anyways we walked in the house Nava showed Jo where she would sleep then Jo fell asleep in a matter of seconds then Nava got in the bed and i jumped on the bed and then went into recharge. 

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