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-364 days before-

Graysen indeed had my heart, he had all of me, every single part.

I didn't go home that night, instead I stayed at Graysens because I fell asleep and am very lazy.

I was awakened by Graysen placing tiny kisses all over my face.

"Wake" kiss

"Up" kiss

"My" kiss

"Darling" kiss

I sat up slowly swatting him away from me.

"Graysen stop I'm tired" I said yawning.

"it's almost time for school" he said to me casually.

"School?!" I said, he laughed at my Jolt of sudden energy.

I ran over to his dresser and opened the drawer that held my clothes that I kept at his house, for times like these.

I threw on some nike sweats and a crop top. I grabbed my purse and fished out my makeup. I threw on some mascara and winged eyeliner, and tossed my hair in a messy bun. I turned around and Graysen was standing behind be smirking still in his pajama bottoms.

"Is this fine? Do I look homeless?" I ask him.

"Beautiful as always my love" he smiled and leaned in for a kiss but I once again swatted him away.

"Go get ready, and shower you smell" I halfway lied, he didn't really smell I just love the look of him after he walks out of the bathroom after a shower.

"I don't smell and you know it" he said laughing.

"Then just go get ready" I rushed "I can't be late again!"

"calm down my beautiful wild flower, your savior Graysen will get you there on time" he smiled pulling a shirt over his head and exchanging his pajama bottoms for jeans.

I rolled my eyes playfully at him and turned to go brush my teeth.

"I'll go feed mac and let him out" I smiled at him and he nodded.

I walked into the kitchen where mac's dog bed was and Graysens mom sitting at the kitchen table.

"Oh miss Roberts I didn't hear you come in?" She looked up at me with sad eyes. There was no other emotion but sadness. She held a beer bottle in her hand.

"He's dead kora, how's do you think I feel, stop looking at me like that!" She said raising her voice.

"Who is dead?" I asked kneeling down next to her.

"You idiot, my husband, my only true partner!" She said raising the bottle.

Graysens dad had died about a year or so ago.

I backed away, " Graysen!" I screamed for him, he was there within seconds.

"Mother" he said grabbing her wrist and taking the bottle and throwing it in the trash.

He sat next to her holding her hand. "Mother you need to stop this, dad is gone, I'm sorry" he looked at her waiting for a response but got nothing.

"It's all your fault" she whisper.

"What did you say?" He asked

"It's all your fault!" She screamed at him snatching her hand away.

"Kora go" he said sternly.

"But how will you-"

"Kora, go, now!" He said harshly.

I walked out of the house grabbing his keys on the way. I sat in his car and started in up. This wasn't the first time this has happened, his mother is very broken.

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Text copyright   _@unstablefaze ©2017
All rights reserved

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2017 ⏰

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