"Think about my offer." Then, he was gone, and the door slid shut and trapped Leia in silence yet again.

She sat back down and looked at the floor, overwhelmed with the new information. It wasn't like he had given her a choice; either join him or die. But the offer was more than she could have ever hoped for. A fresh start and the opportunity to become prosperous in the Empire that ruled the entire galaxy, and to serve under the man inferior to only the mythical Emperor.

Maybe this was her chance. Maybe now Leia could see what she was truly made to be.


Luke sucked in a sharp breath as the moon, or space station as Ben put, grew increasingly closer. "Why are we still moving towards it!?"

"We're locked in the tractor beam, kid; there's nothing I can do!" Han exclaimed exasperatedly, throwing his arms up in the air while Chewie growled. Luke eyed the station nervously, swallowing hard. This day was simply getting better and better; first they'd barely made it out of Tatooine alive, then they'd realized Alderaan had been destroyed which seemed very impossible, and, if Luke's theory was correct, they were now latched onto by and being pulled into a spherical weapon of mass destruction.

Next to him Artoo warbled softly, and Luke looked over to see him and Threepio eyeing the station nervously as well.

"We need to hide the droids." Luke declared. "If the Empire gets their hands on them-"

"I'd rather us all be hidden." Han replied, standing up and walking briskly towards the ramp. Luke followed him curiously, and his eyes widened in shock as the floor panels opened up to reveal small yet efficient hiding places.

Han, seeing the kid's shocked expression, smirked. "What, you thought I hid all my smuggling goods in my back pocket? Now get in there before we dock."

He shoved Luke's protesting blonde head into one of the spots, and he jumped into the other one. Ben shoveled himself into Luke's with Artoo and Threepio while Chewie went with Han, and soon enough the panels were covered and everyone waited with baited breath as they heard the subtle thud signifying the ship landing inside the hangar of the station.

No one dared to move as the subtle sound of feet walking on the floor above them ensued, and even after it faded away Luke didn't risk lifting the metal floorboard until a few seconds later, as did Ben.

Soon after they exited the area a scanning crew came aboard, and Luke and Han had no problems knocking the two officers out before dragging them away and hiding them.

The two men looked at each other and readied their blasters, with Han hollering. "Hey! Could you give us a hand with this?"

Luke looked at the older man incredulously at the sudden yell, with him smirking and putting a finger to his lips as two troopers boarded the ship again. In response to seeing the white armor approaching Luke scrambled to a more obscure area to hide in, watching the troopers carefully.

Han was the first to act, taking out his blaster and slamming it down on the first trooper before firing. The other trooper whirled around and trained his blaster on the smuggler, which gave Luke time to wrench the blaster away from him and subsequently mimic Han in blasting him in the chest.

"Nice work, kid." Han stated breathlessly, already removing the uniform from the man in front of him and putting it on quickly. Luke did the same, telling the rest of the group that they could come out. Artoo was first, with Luke grunting as he lifted up the dense small droid and falling flat on his back once the astromech was up and moving. Ben and Chewie were able to climb out themselves, with Chewie and Han grabbing Threepio by the arms and hoisting him out of the small pit.

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