Chapter 4: Beach Camp 2/2

Start from the beginning


"But he didn't really want to, that's probably why they killed him and my siblings, only me and mom survived"

"That's alright Woo Hee, always remember we're always here, we can be your family too, we'll help you" Ha Jin comforted Woo Hee.

"Wassup girls! Are you done in there?" Eun approached them.

"Well..yes" Woo Hee said.

Wook then also approached, "Why are you crying Woo Hee ssi?" He wondered.

"Well, she just misses someone." Ha Jin answered for her.

"Misses someone? Who?" Eun grinned.

"Aigoo! Eun, you can go back there, too much questions," Wook finally understood.


So stood up. "Alright, for tonight, since we're already done wit our dinner,Baek Ah has something to perform"

The brothers, Ha Jin, Woo Hee, and Sophie gathered around to hear Baek Ah.

For now, Woo Hee got comforted upon seeing her closest friend performing. She leaned forward, to see Baek Ah's performance properly.

Baek Ah went in front of them bringing a guitar.

"This is dedicated for someone special here,my close friend, Woo Hee" said Baek Ah.

Woo Hee blushed and the group started to applaud.

Here's the music

Baek Ah then signalled Woo Hee to come over for the her to be the one to sing 'I'm yours'

Woo Hee hesitated but Jung and Won pushed her.

Then she had no other choice but to sing,while she was singing Baek Ah strummed the guitar feeling shocked that Woo Hee had a nice voice.

Even the brothers, Ha Jin and Sophie got shocked.

After the performance everyone cheered for both of them.

"Yahh! Woo Hee why didn't you tell us you have a marvelous voice" Sophie said.

Ha Jin then patted her back.

"Alright goodnight guys!" Wook said.

They all started sleeping but Woo Hee went alone outside the tent and sat by the boulder near the seashore,

Baek Ah then saw her and sat next to her.

"Yah! I know you're still sad about your siblings" said Baek Ah.

"No I'm not anymore" responded Woo Hee.

"What do you mean?"

Woo Hee then faced Baek Ah,

"Thank you..just now you comforted me and taught me to move on with life"

"Yah! That's nothing!"

"You really have some great work on strings you know."

"What? And you really have a cool voice."

"I take it back Baek Ah, you really suck hahaa!"

"Then I'll take it back too"

Both then laughed.

"When's your birthday Woo Hee?"

"Why are you asking?"

"Oh, I just want to give you a present"

"'s tomorrow" said Woo Hee.

"What?! Just wait...." Baek Ah then left her.

Woo Hee smiled, it was the first time she smiled that greatly in ages, she felt she was lucky to have Baek Ah by her side always

Just then, when Baek Ah was performing for her, all those flashed back in her mind.

She then felt her heartbeat stronger 'lub, dub'

"What is this Woo Hee ya? Are you perhaps falling in love?" Woo Hee asked herself.

++++++++(((((((+++++++++++++++++++End of Chapter++++----++++++++++--------++++++++

Scarlet Heart Ryeo 2: Baek Ah and Woo Hee. Limitless loveWhere stories live. Discover now