"I'm eighteen." She says, scanning the menu. "How about you, Rebecca?" I clench my fist, feeling Mikey's hand cover it on the booth.

"It's Becca and I'm 19." Annoyed I sip on my Coca Cola. Silently thanking Ashton for picking a restaurant I can smoke, I quickly pull out my pack of cigarettes, placing one in my mouth and lighting it up.

"You smoke?" She asks, her breath catching a bit in her throat. I nod, smiling a bit before offering my pack to her. "Oh god no, I cant smoke. Those things will kill you!" She exclaims, looking worried as shit.

Pulling the butt from my mouth I look to Ashton who is silently pleading me to be nice. "Good." I simply state, blowing the smoke from my mouth. "Michael, baby, are we sleeping at your place or mine?" I place the cancer stick back into my mouth, inhaling deeply.

"I think we broke your bed, so probably mine unless you don't mind doing it on the dresser?" Michael asks with a completely straight face, winking at me. Samantha gasps lowly as Ashton groans into his own hands.

"Again?" I whimper, smirking a bit. "I had bruises on my neck for three days." The waiter comes over, dropping off our orders before winking at me slightly. I smile back, taking my salad from his hands, deliberately rubbing my fingers over his.

"Hey, mate? Thats my girlfriend, yeah? So lay the fuck off." Mikey barks, the waiter scurrying off. "Why do you always do that? Flirt with everyone who lays eyes on you, stupid slut." I scoff, rolling my eyes as my 'boyfriend' scolds me.

"Not here guys." Ashton says, clenching his jaw. I arch my eyebrow at him, feeling the anger radiating off of him.

Samantha scoot closer to Ashton, reaching for his hand. "I think if you two were less bitter with each other, you would be much happier." She chimes in, making me nod sarcastically. Mikey chuckles, placing his arm around me.

"We are very happy, actually. Especially sexually, if you catch my drift." I say, leaning up to peck Mikeys cheek.

Samantha shakes her head slightly, moving even closer to Ashton. "Less fighting means a healthy relationship." Ashton awkwardly holds her hand, trying to eat his burger with the other, failing miserably.

"You are so right. Michael, do you want to go fuck in the bathroom to release all your anger towards me so we don't fight anymore?" Samantha's jaw drops, her fork clattering with the table. "Just kidding, im classier than that, we can go do it in the car."

Michael laughs, kissing my temple before holding me close to him, his hand resting on my shoulder. "What do you do for work Becca?" She asks, trying to change the topic.

I sigh, leaning into Michael. "Don't work actually, haven't found anything that appeals to me." Bringing my fork to my mouth, I swallow the salad, licking my lips. "But I know you work at IHOP, anywhere else?"

She shakes her head. "No, only IHOP. Theres an opening position as a waitress, I could put in a good word for you?" I nod slowly, pondering this.

"What time do I have to wake up for it?" I ask, putting my cigarettes out in the ash tray.

"Five in the morning and you leave at Five at night." I choke on my coke, staring at her while shaking my head.

"No, I cant wake up that early."

"Not to mention if you do, you'll be waking me up too. Plus we wouldn't be able to have time for morning sex." Michael points out, my head nodding at his words. "I need my morning sex. Its like coffee."

Ashton sighs, rolling his eyes at us as he finishes his burger. "You guys done?" He asks, pointing to our mostly finished meals. I nod, looking to Michael before Samantha answers yes for us. He calls over the check.

I drop a few bills as well as Michael and Ashton. Glancing at Samantha I see her sitting contently. "You gonna pay your share?" I ask, shocking even myself at the rudeness.

"Oh, I didn't think it was necessary, it's a date after all. The guy should pay." She says like it's the most universal thing — okay maybe it is but thats not how it works here.

I laugh dryly, shaking my head. "No, you pay your fraction of the bill here. Ashton's not going to spend 50 plus dollars every time you go out to eat and get nothing in return. He might be okay with that but I'm not." I snap, standing up quickly before slamming down her share onto the table. "I'm not even with Michael yet I'm still paying cause it's the right thing to fucking do." I spat, exiting the restaurant.

"Babe," Michael sighs, following after me. "Becca what was that about?" He asks when he catches up to me, grabbing my shoulder to turn me around.

"I just don't like that shit okay? You cant always depend on the guy to pay for everything. Guys aren't always going to be there when you need them!" Tears pools slightly in my eyes, a confused expression crosses Michaels face.

"Becca, what happened?" He breathes, holding both of my shoulders, staring into my eyes.

I close my eyes, sniffling a bit. "My dad payed for everything, my mom never worked a say in her life. She never had to do anything, we had maids to do everything for us. And one day, the money was gone, and so was my dad. He left us, for some cheap whore who was twenty years younger. Since then my moms taught me to never depend on a guy for anything."

His thumbs wipe my cheeks, peppering kisses to my forehead as he does. "Bec, not every guy is going to be like that. Ash, Calum, Luke and I, we will never walk out on you. All right? You understand me?"

I nod into his arms as he takes my hand, walking me back to the car. I stand up straight, blinking away the tears as we near the black car. Samantha looks angry, but mostly scared as I approach, her grip on Ashton's arm tightens.

She's Into Drummers [Ashton Irwin]Where stories live. Discover now