Chapter 1

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Nava's POV

I looked around then screamed "WHITEMOUTH RETURN!" i yelled i had to say that unless people would be suspicious she is from anther planet the autobots are her rival but she left the cons so shes a loner then i heard something driving to me then i saw something run over my foot i screamed in pain as it ran over my ten a shoes then i screamed out in pain and jumped on one foot then got to the side then fell over in the water and the current pushed me away from the boat my head rose from the water and i breathed out and saw the boat and screamed out "Whitemouth help!" i screamed out and the current pulled me away and then Whitemouth transformed into a blue grey and white bot dog and jumped in the water and swam to me i grabbed her and she swam i tried to help her swim but the boat was gone we were stranded in the middle of nowhere! until we heard something coming to us it was a boat it was a red boat then a copter came and it dropped its hook Whitemouth then jumped and transformed in her tiny car form and fell in my arms as i grabbed the hook and we got pulled out of the water and we got in the copter and there was a purple haired women she looked lovely and she helped us in and i said "Thanks we-" she looked at me confused and looked at the tiny car then i said "I mean i really appreciate that ." i said nervous then we drove to Griffin Rock the place looked small the lady then said "Hi am Danny before i believe we never met are you just moving here?" Danny said then i said "Am Nava and yeah." "No offense but aren't you to young for toys ." Danny said "Well it isn't a toy i well show you how its not one when we get there ." i said Danny  said "Ok" we got to Griffin Rock and we jumped out and the bot transformed then i noticed the mark then i step back and Whitemouth transforms and growls and gets in front of me "I suggest you cool down your tech wait how did it know to transform?" a police man walked up to me "It um." i said then i was speechless 4 rescue bots on earth "Are you sure these bots are man made cause i think your lying." i said trying to change the subject "Well they are man made." he answered then suddenly a race car sped past us and said "WHOOHOO!!" i looked close and i saw no one inside "Are you sure?" i asked with a evil smile "Well welcome to Griffin Rock." a orange haired guy came up behind me and pulled me away from the speeding car and he tried to change the subject and i pulled away and said "Don't try and change the subject." the orange haired kid was speechless "First tell me who you guys are." i said and whitemouth sat up next to me "I am Chief Charlie Burns and these are my kids Danny,Kade,Graham, and Cody." the chief said me and Graham made eye contact he begun to blush then we snapped out if it and acted like nothing happened i made a fake cough before speaking "Am Nava and this is Whitemouth ." i said nervous Kade was punching his brother,Graham in the arm saying you have a crush on Nava "Graham has a crush on someone." Danny said i looked at the robots then said "Yeah i should go to see my friend Jo see ya!" i said waving my hand walking away and Whitemouth followed me

~~~~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I met up with my friend Jo at a lodge in the woods and we saw her along the way we talked WhiteMouth just stayed quiet and followed me along my side "So what do you think of Griffin Rock." Jo said "I like it here its totally a different from things back where i lived." i said "From what?" Jo asked i had a flashback then snapped out of it and said "Things that still scare me." "Do you want to talk about it?" she asked "No thanks." i answered "Ok." we got to the place and i opened the door to the lodge Jo then says something "No offense  but this house is old and its a piece of crap and you bought it?" "None taken but you are right its old but to me its beautiful and its all i could afford." i say and Jo says "Girl here you go your my friend here you go oh and by the why i know WhiteMouth is an alien!"she says giving me 3 20 dollar bills and i make a surprised face mixed with a grumpy cat face and she said "Spend it on something useful ok?" "Ok." I say then she walks to her house that was a few miles away i went into my house and i let Whitemouth i think we would like it here in Griffin rock so we walked in and sat on a bed then i asked her "Why did you growl at the bots." "They were autobots but known as rescue bots." she said in her robot voice "Well am fine i better go to the food store you stay here and guard the house see you." i say walking out of the house 

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