An Apology

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An apology...

Way overdue, like all of my thoughts are trash and lie on the beach, I need to learn the truth of ecology.

I remember every one of you,

I remember never giving you the chance, even if none of you knew.

I'm sorry I left, sorry to leave...

But living in that dying town, couldn't have made me be what I need.

Some of you, I've known for years on end,

But I gave you all up and made a wound that I cannot mend.

I try to be the same person that I tried to make you all become,

In the backdrop, I turned out to be the violin whom took their last strum.

Why didn't I get to know you all,

And stay friends even after fall?

Now all that's left is a hollow shell,

Not the same Shell of that that took away my family and turned everything into a burning hell.

Shards of the broken scatter across the sea,

As all my old friends my forgotten memories.

The dreams-they plague my mind,

The same as those rats aboard ships that taint the skin of sailors in the dark times.

The world is cruel, true, but not as true as the minds of own.

This country creates weapons to send off to war, mechanical and menical, only to make murder, some kinds of drones.

In old tales, a murder, a murder, a flock of crows, told of much death to come over those.

But when it's all over, they'd heed no woes.

Give no regrets, and hide from the abandoned.

So now that I can stand on my own two feet, I'm ready to stay and promise not to be absent,

From my apology to those who I let down, and those who haden't even imagined

What I've become and what I've done.

For those I helped from when they felt lost, I've always been lost, but it's the hope from the light that guides to run.

I wanted to help make everyone stronger, stronger than I-

No matter how many times I wanted to die,

Because that hope, hope that if you all were stronger-better than me, that you all wouldn't let me leave.

My princess, my friend,

My sister, the end.

Oh how I wish I got the chance to tell you that I'm proud of everything you are,

And I know that when I find you, he won't be far behind.

My toad, my strength,

My brother, my unbearable sadness too far gone to give off length.

I wonder if you'll grow, but never remember me,

So the chance I get, you won't even remember the games me and you played when you were only three.

So many names to say,

But I started listing, I wouldn't even stop on my 18th birthday.

So this is for you all, to understand what I am.

I was never a soldier, but instead, the Winter for the Damn.

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