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So erm hello? I don't really know what I'm doing, but what should help if I tell you about me.

My name is Elise Williams, my past hasn't been the best but you know what life is, it's like a roller-coaster. But for the moment that doesn't matter.

For my opinion I'm a quite average girl, I'm not pretty but I'm not ugly I'm just in the middle. My personality is very weird people either hate me or like me, this is because I'm very upfront.

Well right now I'm just coming out rehab. Before you judge me and say I've been taking drugs that's why I'm in there, no it's nothing like that all. You see before I went in there I had a boyfriend called Luke Brooks we was very happy, but then something happened and I got very depressed over it. I started to cut and then this habit was getting worse and worse. Luke found out and put me in rehab.


I was in the bathroom getting out the shower when something cached my eye. It was a pencil sharpener for what I use to sharpen my eyeliner. I quickly grab it and hold it to my chest.

I was thinking about what's been happening at school and at home. I started crying and crying I undone the screw and looked at the blade, I've been low but never this low. I've had it now, I put the blade into my skin. At first it really hurt but the pain went away. I done it a few more times and then put it back.

- End of flashback -

That's when I first started cutting and that lead me to rehab.

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