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"Watch where you stepping freak!"

Those were the first few words I was greeted with in the new school.
I knew I should've played it sick this morning, let's hope the rest of the day goes well. After apologizing to the girl that called me a freak, I walked along the hallway to find the office.


Please don't let it be the same girl. I chant over in my head.

"Hey, you must be new here!"

Infront of me stood a bubbly energetic brunette hair girl.
I nodded at her and gave her a shy smile. Maybe we can be friends later on. Probably not, she's too pretty to be friends with me.

"Well I'm Paige and I'll - wait have you gotten your schedule yet?"

Paige smiled grew wider, I gave her a confused look and she shook her head.

"Let's go get it then."

I followed her. Paige was average height, her hair is long and wavy. I wish I had wavy hair or straight even, I used to get teased at in primary school because of my curly hair, I even got bullied by this one kid at the other school I used to go to back home in Wales. But my parents took care of that. Her skin is toned while mine is pale with freckles.

"I love your accent but the way."

Paige said looking at me and I smiled. I think theres nothing much to love about my accent. We reached the office.

"What's your name hun?"

The lady behind the counter said while looking through a pile of paper work on her desk.

"La-Lavender Mackenna."

I heard a squeal came from Paige but I didn't questioned her.

"Here you go miss Kenna."
"Thank you." I said walking away.

"Let's see what you have first."

The bell rang signalling that school has started.

"Oh no! Well you have English and that's down the hall, take a left and the third door on your right. Hope you find it."

Paige said before rushing off in the other direction. I took a deep breath and went in the direction I was told to go.
Before I can make it down the hall I got bad looks from some of the other kids that shove me trying to hustle to their classes. I finally made it to the class but the door was closed. I prepared myself for what happens next. I opened the door making the class silent and everyone looked at me.

"You must be miss Mackenna."

I nodded.

"Okay take a seat any where."

Every move I made, I felt their eyes piercing through my skin. Making my way to the empty desk by the window, I almost tripped on someone's bag. Oh dear lord, can't this day get any worse! Please don't let it be that girl I bumped into earlier. Opening my eyes to see its not her, I sighed and apologized to the person.


Finally school ended.
I looked around to see if I saw my dad's car but I didn't.

"Hey Lavender, how are you going home?"

I almost jumped out of my skin because I didn't know Paige was standing besides me.

"My Dad is picking me up but I think he got lost."

Just as Paige was going to say something her mum called out to her, we exchanged goodbyes and she left.
Not too long after my dad showed up. Finally! Making my way over to the car and got in.

"Hey sunshine, how was school? Made any friends?"

I sighed.

"Hey dad, school was just great."
"Oh come on, I'm sure good happened."
"Well there was this girl Paige that helped me this morning, she was really nice to me."
"Good good."

The rest of the ride to the house, small talks were exchanged. The weather here in America is quite different from Wales. If we were there now, I would be wearing a sweater and not a top.

"Ma, I'm home!"
"I'm in here, Lavvy."

I dropped my bag onto the floor and walked into the living room. Mum was unpacking some of the boxes.

"Is that all of them?"
"No, the other shipment would arrive next week."
"Are we going to shop for furniture later?"
"Yes, because we can't sit and sleep on the floors."

We both chuckled while I helped her.

"How was school Lavvy?"
"It was okay, I've bumped into someone this morning while entering and got called a freak for doing so."
"Just because you bumped into them, that's harsh."
"Hmm, this one girl Paige, she was nice to me and helped me but I had to struggle the rest of the day."
"You'll get used to it and make new friends eventually."

That's the thing I don't want to make new friends, I have my friends back in Wales. Blaire and Catherine. Instead we had to move here for dad's job promotion, I was doing just fine back at home. Plus mum insisted since she didn't wanted to upset him.

We've just finished unpacking some things and decided to go furniture shopping ikea. I've heard of this place and I'm quite overwhelmed.


Everything Has Changed.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz