chap 12

53 2 0

"Xavier?" I ask

"Yeah kitten?" he asked eyes still fixed on the t.v.

"When can we go back to school?" I ask

"Never" he mumbled pulling me onto his lap and burying his face in my neck

"Pleaseeeee" I ask

"Nopeee" he said

"PLEASE!!!!" I say with my best puppy eyes

"Ugh fine but you are staying with me whenever you can I might even switch classes to all of yours so you kno-"

I cut him off

"Xavier I'll be fine" I say softly

"Its just with your brother there I don't want him around you" he says

"I know but since its only 2nd period can we go now?" I ask with puppy dog eyes

Now you all might be wondering why I want to go to school

Well to be ideal staying at the house doing nothing with a very possessive alpha mate that won't let you out of his sight is not very fun

"Ugh I'll get London to get you clothes" he groans

"Yay thanks!!" I squeal pecking his cheek and running to London's room

she was still getting ready

"Pick whatever you want" she says

I picked out a pair of skinny jeans and a loose aeropostle long sleeved shirt and jacket

"London can I wear your black flats?" I ask

"Whatever you want bae!!" she yells

God I love her she's just like the  bestest friend I've always wanted

I slipped the flats on and brushed my hair putting on little mascara and eyeliner

I grabbed London's arm and pulled her down the steps


"What no hug or kiss?" he ask sticking out his arms

i smacked his arm away licking arms with London

"No no Wolfy I'm with London" I say laughing

"Whaaaa you pick her over me? Oh my I think I'm dieing!!" he yells dramatically

Some elder pack members laughed at us

"Yes now my slave take us to the car!" I yell dramatically

"But I don't wanna!" he whines

"Whaa did I just hear someone wants to sleep on the couch?" I fake question

"Right this way ladies!!!" he grabs his keys and runs out the door

"Bingo!!" I giggle

After about 10 minutes we get to school

I get out and link arms with London

"Samantha" Xavier whines trudging after us

"What you little baby?" I question laughing a little

"I wanna walk with you!!" he says

"I don't walk with my slaves now shush" I giggle


No response


No response


Still no response


"Oh my goodness what slave" I say laughing

By this time we were at my locker

"I really wanna walk with you!!" he whines louder

I let out a exasperated sigh

"Fine but only for a little bit" I say

"Yessss" he yells

He comes up and I link my other arm with his

"But I wanna hold hands or wrap my arms around you" he whined

"Either this or no contact at all!" I warn threatingly

"Fine" he mumbles

I smiled and we headed off to class

This is going to be a good day

Or so I thought.………




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