A Bag of Lies

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"I have feelings for Loki." Is what I would've said to him if I had the guts to.

Steve pulled me closer, I was almost on his lap, and kissed me. I felt tears flow down my cheeks. "Why are you crying?" He asked.

"Nothing." I replied. "I'm just happy that I have someone like you to hold me."

In the middle of our little make out session, Loki suddenly entered the apartment. "Is it possible that you two not lock lips in the apartment when I'm here?" Then he proceeded to his bedroom.

"That guy is such a cockblock." Steve said.

"Oh my god, where did you learn that word?" I asked him.

"I'm not your average grandpa." Steve replied.

"Pshh." I replied as I pushed him away.

"Wha?? Why??" Steve asked.

"I don't wanna date a grandpa!! I'm twenty one." I joked.

"You really think so?" He said, sadly.

"Just kidding!" I exclaimed and hugged him.

"You know, I'm still not comfortable with you living under the same roof with Loki." Steve said. "Please move in with me." He grabbed my hands and kissed them like a proper gentleman.

I shook my head. "I can't leave him Steve. You've seen what Loki's been capable of doing to himself when I was around. Imagine what he'd do if he was all alone."

"Please babe, I want to wake up to your smile every morning." Steve explained. "And I promise I'll do all the cleaning."


"I'll even cook you--" Steve looked at me with a glisten in his eye. "REALLY? ARE YOU SERIOUS?" I nodded back. "OH I'M SO EXCITED!" He added as he showered me with kisses.


As noon broke the day after I discovered Sydney's coffee shop secret, I emerged from my sleeping quarters to find Sydney putting her things in boxes. What was she doing? Do not tell me she is doing something drastic again. I changed so much for her. I slept in only my undergarments because Stark told me that that could seduce Sydney more.

"What in Odin's name are you doing?" I asked her.

She looked at me from head to toe. "Uhm... I'm moving to Steve's apartment." She said.

"Permanently?" I queried.

She nodded back. I didn't know what came over me, but I locked her in an embrace.


As Loki put me in a not-so-warm embrace, I felt his bare ice cold skin against my fully clothed body. I wasn't sure, but I think I heard a slight heartbeat in his chest. "I am surely going to miss you." He whispered, his cold breath on my shoulder.

"Loki, I'm only going to be next door." I told him, smiling. "We'll still see each other. Just not all the time."

"Still." He replied. "I am going to miss watching you whilst you slumber."

"You watched me while I was sleeping?" I asked.

"Uh... Yeah, I think you have to go." Loki muttered. "Steve might be waiting for you and I don't want you here anyways. I'd rather have the place to myself. Thank you. Good bye." Then he once again left for his bedroom.

I wonder what went on there. Not that I needed to know.

The next day, I woke up alone in Steve's apartment. I found a note from him on the bedside table.

Good morning Sydney. Off to Avengers mission in Italy. Wish you could come, but Tony didn't want to put you in danger. Be back in three days. Love you, Steve.

Guess I'm going to be all alone for three days. But wait, was Loki still here? I went to his apartment. As he opened the door, I saw him dressed as normal as ever. He actually looked human. "Hey." I told him.

"Hello Sydney, would you like some breakfast?" Loki asked. I nodded back and sat down at the table. "I've finally perfected how to make eggs and bacon."

I smiled at him. "Good for you."

"Would you like some coffee?" He added.

"Yes, thank you." I replied. "I thought you hated coffee." I added as he sat down and took a sip from his mug.

"I lied, it tastes amazing." He told me.

"Well your little lie cost me my job." I said.

"I'm sorry." He replied. "If there is any way I could make it up to you."

"It's fine Loki, just your presence is good enough for me." I explained. "I couldn't imagine being all alone in Stark Tower."

"Why? Where are the others?" Loki asked, finishing up his bacon.

"They're in Italy." I replied. "Guess it's just the two of us for the rest of the week."

I saw him smiling like a maniac. "What are you smirking about?"

He put on a straight face. "Nothing, it's just that... This bacon is really good."

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