Chapter 1

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Tilia and Frodo headed towards a table in the quieter corner of the bar, both blushing rather deeply as Tilia took a seat.

"I'll be right back with your drink," Frodo said quietly, gently gesturing with his hands for Tilia to stay put. She simply smiled back at him,

"are you sure you don't want a hand?" she asked politely, tilting her head to one side. Frodo managed a small smile, while his stomach filled with churning butterflies.

 "Yes, I'm sure miss," Frodo smirked at her kind offer. With that, Frodo quickly padded off to the bar to get them both mugs of ale. Tilia watched him walk away, content with her new found company. However, she did think it was strange that he'd approached her without even knowing her. Sweet, but strange. Her mind began to wander slightly, before the sensation of Frodo's eyes fell over her and brought her back into reality. Frodo placed down the mug of ale in front of her gently,before taking a seat of his own and looking down nervously. After a moment of awkwardness, Tilia's ice blue eyes met Frodo's deep ocean blue ones.

"so.. Where are you from?" He asked curiously, watching as the stunning hobbit girl in front of him processed his question.

"I'm from here, y'know, Bywater. I live just down the road from here, in a hobbit hole with a pale violent door." Tilia smiled, fiddling with the handle of her mug, and glancing up at Frodo. "What about you, Mr Baggins?"

Frodo hesitated, someone who didn't know everything about him and his family name? This caught him off guard. "I live in Bag End with my uncle, Bilbo. I have to say Tilia, you're the only person I've ever met who doesn't know where I live.." Tilia looked down at her hands,

"I-I don't really get out much, I only go out to get to my dress shop... I mean, I only came tonight to see if my friend, Alora would come. She's been going through a rough time and I hoped she'd come to get away from it all." she admitted, the corner of Frodo's mouth tugged into a smile. He felt pitty for this girl, but it was the kind of pitty which urged him to pull the girl into his arms. 

"Is your friend the one who was with Merry when I asked you for a dance?" he asked inquizitively. Tilia nodded, before her eyebrows raised.

"why exactly did you ask me for a dance, Frodo? You didn't even know me.." she asked politely, but still a hint of confusion in her voice. Frodo rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Well, I was feeling a little lonely I guess.." he mumbled, watching as Tilia smiled back at him. Her cheeks glowed in the light of the Inn, and her pale blonde hair shimmered slightly. Frodo's breath caught in his throat, which resulted in a sigh escaping from his lips. She was breathtaking. It took a moment for Frodo to realise he'd been staring and completely zoned out. However, Tilia noticed, and waved her hand in front of his face to capture his attention.

"What was it like?" She asked, a large grin on her face. Frodo frowned in confusion,

"what do you mean?" he questioned, frowning lightly. Tilia giggled, brushing loose strands of hair from her face,

"Where ever your daydream just took you to of course!" She chuckled, as a light blush spread it's self across Frodo's cheeks. 

"I-I er.." He stammed, feeling like an idiot. Tilia saw his slight distress, and placed a hand on his forearm, 

"Hey, I didn't mean to tease.." she said quietly. Her ice clue eyes shon, burring into Frodo's memory. They were sure to be something he would never forget. With an appreciative smile, Frodo clasped Tilia's hand gently, and affectionatly rubbed his thumb on the back of her knuckle. They continued talking well into the night, them getting to know most things about eachother. True, the two of them didn't have much in common, but Tilia admired Frodo's intelligence, as he did her quiet and loving nature. 

It was the early hours of the morning, when the two of them had to go their seperate ways. The night sky was clear, and a chilled breeze rustled gently through the nearby shrubs, as Tilia and Frodo trudged along the gravel path towards the cross roads. Frodo came to a gentle halt, and turned to face the blonde haired lass in front of him.

"I enjoyed tonight much more than I thought I was going to," He smiled, blushing lightly. Tilia looked down at her feet, biting her lip,

"As did I Frodo," she said softly, her icy eyes glancing up at Frodo's, causing his heart and stomach to flutter. Tilia blushed a bright scarlett, as she rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly. "I felt so comfortable around you, and that doesn't usually happen around guys.." she admitted sheepishly, watching as Frodo grinned and took her hand,

"Well right now my stomach's doing backflips, so I can't say the same goes for you, miss." He chuckled to himself. Tilia brushed one of Frodo's loose, chocolaty curls behind his ear, and drew herself closer to him.

"I'm going to take that as a compliment." She giggled to herself. Frodo smirked, as he too got closer to her. Tilia's gaze was fixed into Frodo's, neither of them breaking away until they were touching noses. Tilia had her arms draped loosly over Frodo's shoulder, and Frodo had his hands gently wrapped around Tilia's thin waist. 

"You're truely facinating, Frodo Baggins." Tilia breathed, as he pulled her up to him. Frodo didn't stop to think about what he was doing. This lass he held in his arms was the most beautiful thing he'd ever laid eyes on. Yes, she wasn't big on poetry, but she was the first girl he'd met that was intrigued by history. And now, he was craning his neck as he edged in closer to her. A sharp breeze hit their faces as their lips met, sending shivers up Frodo's spine, although at the time he'd put this down to the kiss. Their lips remained locked for a few seconds more, before Frodo pulled away gently. 

"I need to see you again.." Frodo blurted, his eyes wide. Tilia chuckled to herself, gazing up into his endless eyes.

"I'm not even out of sight yet, Frodo!" Her hand holding his gently, as Frodo watched her smile at him.

"I know, I just.. when are you next available?" Frodo urged, pulling Tilia closer to him. She smiled affectionatly, before beginning to back away from him slowly.

"I don't know, Frodo.. but I guarantee that this won't be the last time we meet," Tilia's pink lips parted to reveal her perfect teeth and formed a large grin.

Frodo sighed, watching her over his shoulder as she walked in the opposite direction. Something about this girl made him feel different.. Made him feel alive. But there was something else, a feeling in the pit of his stomach that told him his life wouldn't quite be the same.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2014 ⏰

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