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It was just beginning to grow dark, as the mid summer sun set over the Shire. Not  few days before, Frodo Baggins had been invited to join his friends for a drink at the Green Dragon Inn. Seeing as his friends didn't live too near to him, Frodo jumped at the chance of seeing them whenever he could. That night in particular, Frodo wore a light green shirt, anckle length brown trousers and braces. His long, curly dark brown hair hung just above his shoulders, and his blue eyes were swirled with the red glow from the setting sun. With the sunset behind him, Frodo could see the Inn before him. Shards of light leaked from underneath the door, and out of the rectangular window panes.

 Frodo pushed open the door, and was immedietly met by a sea of smiling faces, the smell of food, pipe weed and ale and the sound of pure joy. 

"Frodo! How do you fair?" he heard his friend, Sam, cry from beside him. Frodo looked around to face him, and saw the familiar rosy cheeked face before him. 

"I am well thankyou Sam, what about yourself?" he greeted his friend, while shaking his hand warmly. 

"Aye, not too bad Mr Frodo, just enjoying the party as you should be too!" sam chuckled, before leading Frodo over to the bar. There stood his other two close friends, Pippin and Merry. They were leant against the bar, both with mugs of ale and large smiles on their faces. Frodo approached them from behind, and patted them both on the shoulder, making them jump,

"Fine evening isn't it lads?" he said smugly, before he tried to catch the attention of Rosey, the bar maid. She was stood talking to three other hobbit lasses across the bar, so Frodo decided to wait until she'd finished talking. After a few more moments, he called her name and caught her attention, before ordering himself an ale. The cool ale hit his lips and instantly drenched his throat, making him feel more alert than he had before. After his first sip, Frodo stepped back a little, and leant againt a wooden support beam of the building, Still everyone was smiling widely, and the sound of music, laughter and mugs clinking rang in his pointed hobbit ears. This was the most relaxed he'd been in an age, as his uncle had been acting rather stange lately, and it was making Frodo feel uncomfortable.

After another moment or so, Frodo looked up across the bar again, and immediately caught the eye of his friend, Merry, who was no longer stood with Pippin, but two lasses instead. One was dark haired, fair skined and rather stunning in Frodo's opinion, and of the other, Frodo could only see perfectly staright white blonde hair.  Merry was pulling an unusual face at one, and raised an eyebrow in Frodo's direction. Frodo's brain instantly clicked, and he quickly stepped out and grabbed the blonde lass' hand who Merry had indicated to.

"Would you care for a dance?" he asked politely, smirking up at Merry a little. The blonde lass turned around in shock, and Frodo's eyes widened a little. His eyes were met by the sight of a perfectly proportionate face, lightly rosed cheeks and lips, and piercing ice blue eyes. The lass got over her initial shock quite quickly, and then hid her smile behind her hand innocently.

"really?" she asked, her thick northern sounding accent shocking Frodo a little, as he had expected her to have a rather dainty voice. He quickly nodded with a small smile on his face, his eyes still wide, before taking her arm and walking away from his friend, who was now alone with the dark haired lass he was obviously interested in.

As they walked into the crowd, Frodo began to observe the girl he was now about to dance with. She turned to face him, and he took her right hand in his left. He looked down at her waist, before placing his hand on it, and his eyes then glanced across her body. Her skirt was a deep violet in colour, with gold vines running up from the bottom. She wore a white, long sleeved shirt with the sleeves rolled up to her elbows. The lass wore a black bodice around her waist, exaggerating her waist even further. Frodo raised an eyebrow, which was met by a sharp cough. The girl's ice blue eyes buried deep into his ocean blue ones.

"you know, you haven't even asked me my name yet," she said, a small smirk on her lips. Frodo's chest tightened as he looked at her in embarrassment.

"so.. ermm.. what is your name?.." he stammered, trying to hide his worried butterflies behind a nervous smile. The girl chuckled back at him as they began to slowly dance along with the hobbits around them. 

"Tilia, Tilia Greenhill! And yourself?" she smiled politely back at him, her blonde hair just catching under her chin. Frodo smiled to himself, completely lost in her eyes. Tilia was left waiting for a few more moments, before she nudged him a little with her hand, "Well?" she asked again, noticing the daze he'd fallen into. Quickly Frodo shot his head backwards, and a red blush creeped across his cheeks.

"I-I'm sorry, I don't really talk to lasses that often.." Frodo admitted, rubbing the back of his head. Tilia raised an eyebrow in a 'you don't say?' kind of way, causing Frodo to grin to himself. "Especially ones as pretty as you, so please forgive me if I slip up.." Frodo smiled, not realising he'd said that loud enough for Tilia to hear. Tilia felt her cheeks burn, she herself becoming rather embarrassed. "But anyway, I'm Frodo Baggins. It's a pleasure to meet you Miss Greenhill!" he continued, swirling her around a little.

"Would you like to get a drink?" Tilia asked, spinning back around to face the lad now holding her in his arms. Frodo grinned from ear to pointed ear, his blue eyes shining in the room's light,

"I thought you'd never ask," he joked, resulting in a little sarcastic smile from Tilia. 

LOTR: Happy Anniversary - Frodo Baggins FFWhere stories live. Discover now