Chapter 1

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My alarm clock blasts is my ear. Groaning, I slam my fist on the snooze button. Another five more minutes of peace. But now I am wide awake. I turn my alarm off and force myself to enter the cold, cold world. I slip into my on suite and turn on the shower.

The water pours down onto my hair and body. The smell of mangoes and passion fruit fill the room as I massage the shampoo into my hair.
The hollowness inside of me grows stronger now I'm awake.

When I get out the shower, I put on some basic clothes, not wanting to draw attention to myself when I reach school.

I take the stairs to get downstairs, even though we have an elevator. If you haven't guessed, my parents are the richest people in our small town, Mable. They are known for putting people in tough financial positions. Dad gambles. Eventually he had enough money to get a decent share in a pretty successful business. That's it. Not very interesting. He didn't kill someone to get the money. He didn't  have some great great great uncle who died in a war. He just gambled and BAM, 1 year later, he's hella rich.

Mum's in the kitchen when I arrive, I greet her but she ignores me. I hate mum and dad. Their absolute dick heads. They completely ignore me and whenever I'm home, I feel like I am nothing. Which maybe I am.
I pour myself a cup of coffee and sit down at the breakfast bar. I can tell this is going to be another crappy day.

Thanks for reading, I hoped you enjoyed! ❤

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