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"A witch?" Penny asks her grandmother very confused on what she truly was.

Apparently she was a tenth generation white witch that has descended from Salem, Massachusetts. She was more powerful than the witches before her especially her grandmother but once she has children they will be more powerful than her own self.

Apparently Penny's emotional state was causing her to activate a few of her powers before her sixteenth birthday.

"Yes my dear. You're a grand white witch and the most powerful one to be alive. We are the last of our kind, my child." Nonna grips onto Penny's hands trying to get her to understand and listen to every word she said. "Tomorrow will be your sixteenth which means all your abilities will be ready to activate. Your birthmark will glow brightly singling the ritual for you to become a full white witch will have to start."

"Are you pulling my leg? You can not be serious Nonna. I'm a normal human girl not a grand white witch" Penny exclaims shaking her head to her grandmother's words.

Nonna would not tell her anything about Embry and what had happen because he' suppose to be the one telling her since it's his secret.

"Penninah listen to me. Once your birthmark glows I need you to call me right away. If you do not call me then you'll never be able to become your full potential self. You will only have half the abilities you do now." Nonna's eyes stares intensely into Penny's hoping for her to be absorbing her words fully. "Then once the ritual is over we will begin your training. You will learn to control your abilities so you don't lose control like you did today and hurt someone else."

"Alright. Alright I'll call you when it glows." Penny sighs finally giving into her grandmother's words. "This literally sounds like some Disney movie. I'm stuck in a Disney movie."

Nonna laughs at her granddaughter's sarcastic behavior. She hopes that her birthmark wouldn't glow at school causing more attention to herself from the wolf pack.

Nonna did not want the boys to be around Penny while she trains, because her emotional state would only rise to high dangerous levels especially after what had happen with Embry.

"Nonna do I get a sidekick?" Penny's question breaks Nonna out of her concentration.

"A sidekick? Why would you get a sidekick?" Nonna gets up and heads towards to the refrigerator to grab some water for her to drink.

"Since I'm a Disney princess and they always have sidekicks." Penny wonders which sidekick she would have. "Maybe I should get a bird since they can see everything above me."

Nonna laughs harder from Penny's random outburst of her being a princess. She chokes a bit on her water from her laughter but she soon regain air to her lungs. Shaking her head at her granddaughter she walks upstairs towards her computer to do some work for her job.

Penny let's a breath leave her lips from all the news she had just receive in the last two hours. First Embry was some weird wolf man but wasn't technically a werewolf.

Then Penny was a tenth generation grand white witch who held special abilities making her abnormal from the rest of the humans.

Letting herself slump into her chair she plays a game on her phone not really knowing what to do. since she didn't want to leave her grandmother's house just yet.

Her anger starts to get the best of her once she dies from the stupid army attacking her own making her curse out loud. Slamming the phone down on the table after her army was defeated by a higher rank army she notices the falling plants in front of her.

Each pot of plant that was in the kitchen was in the air but soon they fell from her anger bursting causing them to break. Every time a pot would hit the ground she would internally and physically cringe from the sound, hating to see how her abilities would lose control of themselves.

Suddenly a buzzing noise was heard from the table as her phone shakes from the vibrations. Picking up her phone Paul's name lights up her screen with his number. Debating on answering or not she slides the answer call over while pressing the phone up to her ear.


"Penny, are you okay?"

"I'm fine Paul. I'm sorry for leaving you behind like that I just had to make sure the girl would be safe."

"Penny I need to talk to you about that. Do you think we can talk tomorrow after school?"

Penny's heart race speeds up on the thought of tomorrow and her new abilities coming in. Her thoughts linger towards Embry and his well being.

If she was going to learn to control her abilities then she needs to stay away from Paul and her old friends. She did not want to harm them especially since she doesn't know how to control herself.

"I'm sorry Paul. I won't be able to talk tomorrow."

"Oh. Uh that's okay maybe the day after that then?"

"Paul," Penny's voice drops an octave lower from her sadness. "I won't be able to talk to you anymore. I'm sorry but it's for the best."

"W-What? What do you mean?" Paul's voice breaks at Penny's words not liking the sudden rejection he was getting. He did not want to lose her over one thing about Embry. Penny was his imprint and that meant that she would be with him forever and not partial. "Penny do not say that. You and I will get through anything that's going on and we'll do it together. Listen to me if you dare say the word I know you're going to say then stop because it'll only make things harder."

Penny's heart breaks into a million of pieces once she says the next few words. "This isn't a goodbye Paul it's more like a see you later."


I feel so evil for writing this scene. But it just shows that Paul and Penny will have to work their hardest if they want to be in one another's life. Also that if they truly want a happy ending with one another they will have to come over all odds. 


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