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"happiness is the feeling that fills us up with joy and peace, excitement and everything nice"
In a small town,there lived a girl who never smiled. She didn't have friends and was constantly teased about her slight chubbiness and died hair she hated life and wished she could disappear.she didn't try to join the cool kids and was happy with her books.
One day while she was walking she saw a boy. The only boy that could make her smile, the only boy that she liked and the only boy that liked her. Out of nowhere a new founded confidence came over her and she ran to him. Hugging him and telling him how she felt, she was nervous obviously but all her insecurities disappeared when he hugged her back. She was happy for the first time in forever and lived happily with him.
The End
I hoped you enjoyed this write-up. buhbye everyone and remember be happy.

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