Til Death Do We Part

Start from the beginning

Five rolled his eye as his patience grew thin. "You act as if I wanted this to happen." His voice dropped to a low growl as he stepped closer. "I don't like you or your friends very much. You all abandoned me, but you're too stupid to see that our people abandoned us. They never trained us - never cared about us! I was stuck with some sick old man for years because the Loric people never gave a damn about us, Ella!"

His voice caught as he searched my face quickly. I noticed the redness growing in his cheeks as he took another step, gritting his teeth as he said quietly, "I don't want to marry you. I don't want to be near you. I wish I never even met you. But shit happens, and now Setrakus-Ra is demanding that we get married, or he's going to kill me."

"And why should I care about you? You didn't care about us when you killed Eight." I heard my voice waiver as I spoke, and I hated to admit to myself that it was out of fear. He hadn't hesitated to kill before, so why should he hesitate now? He could easily slaughter me and fly away before anyone knew I was gone. 

But he didn't. Instead, he rolled his eye and turned around, stomping back down the look-over. "Come on. We have work to do."

"I'm not marrying you."

Five paused, but then he shrugged his shoulders and continued, calling back, "Your choice. He'll just force you and lock you away in a dungeon somewhere. If you do it willingly, he'll be more lenient."

I stood my ground. He couldn't be serious. 

But I knew he was. Setrakus-Ra was insane, and he would always do whatever it takes to get his way. He wouldn't care if he had to lock his granddaughter away just so that he could weaken the Loric's power. He'd kill me if it meant that he got his way in the end. 

In that moment, I knew that I couldn't die because I was too stubborn to conform. I had to stay alive so that I could escape and help my friends defeat these bastards. Once more, I was having to wait for the right time to act, and arguing with Five wasn't going to get me anywhere.

I pushed myself off of the railing quickly and hurried to catch up with Five. "Wait!"

He stopped with a sigh as I ran around to face him. "What?"

"I'll do it."

Five's jaw dropped ever so slightly as he frowned. "You're kidding."

"No, and I'm not doing it for you. What's our next step?"

Five paused as he steeled himself, glancing around to make sure no vatborns had not wandered close to us. "You know you could protest and fight back, right?"

"I know."

"And you're sure that you'll voluntarily go through with this?"


He straightened his chest armor as he lifted his chin. "Well, come on then. Let's go tell Setrakus-Ra."


The next day was as hectic as a battlefield. 

As soon as we told my grandfather that we agreed to preform the marriage ceremony voluntarily, he immediately called in his servants and told  them to get to work preparing for the wedding. From how he described it, Mogadorian weddings were far different than weddings I had seen on earth. The ceremony would be held before the entire army aboard the Anubis, and he would perform the ceremony himself. Food was being prepared quickly for a feast afterwards, but first we would have to recite vows together in formal wear. 

I was given a red and golden embroidered dress to wear, while Five wore a red suit and a golden tie. 

"Red represents the blood of our enemies," Setrakus-Ra had said earlier in the day. "It's the same color as the blood that will spill from the opposing Loric's hearts."

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