Mihawk x Reader - King

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You and (W/N) were deep into the dead forest, broken boulders and crumbled parts of buildings lay in their resting place.

'What happened to this place?' You wondered in your head.

"Hey, (Y/N), now that I think about it, I remember that, in one of those books Mr.Kingashi gave us back at loguetown, it said something about a war damaged island that apparently hasn't been touched in years. do you think, this is maybe the island in that book?" With that in mind, you sling your backpack off your shoulders and rummaged through it to find that book.

"Found it!" You pull an old looking book, its covers a dark, swampy green colour. There was no picture on the front, but it was labelled 'The history of Kuraigana Island'. Opening the book, you turn to a book with a sticky note stuck to it.

"This is it. 'Kuraigana Island, also known as Shikkearu Kingdom *Rustle* which was it's original name before a war between *rustle*-"

"Uhh, (Y/N)-"

"Hang on, i'm getting to the good part-"


"Which was it's original name before a war between the World Government and the Revolu-"

"(Y/N) THERE ARE HUGE GOD-DAMN GORILLAS WELDING SWORDS SURROUNDING US!" That got your attention. You slam the book shut and look up to find... exactly what (W/N) had described. Huge gorillas welding swords, and they had surrounded you.

"Oh, umm, c-can we h-help you?" You smile nervously and freeze. You quickly open the book again and look through the pages.

"(Y/N) What are you doing!?" (W/N) whispers angrily in your ear.

"Hang on a sec, blah blah, aha! Humandrills!" You look up again. They did not look happy.

"*RAAAAHHHHH!*" The Humandrills all charge at once, weapons raised above their heads.

"Run!" You shriek as you and (W/N) duck under a Humandrills legs and dash out before the swords could cut you like butter. The Humandrills quickly took suit after the both of you, faces raging with anger.

"What are we going to do!? they're catching up!" (W/N) panicked, dodging rocks and fallen trees. The fog started to clear and you could see something, something big in the distance. It was, a huge mansion!

"We'll hide in there! It seems to be the only safe place on this island!" You and (W/N) sped up to the growing building, not daring to look back. You suddenly stopped. You turned and saw that, the Humandrills had stopped following you, and were just... standing there at what seemed to be like an invisible barrier.

"Heh, they seemed to be scared to step any closer to the mansion" You smiled and looked down at (W/N). You both ran to the door of the mansion and stopped to look at the Humandrills again... they were gone! You turn back to the door, which was probably the size of 2 of those Humandrills stacked on top of each other and was made of a dark purple wood, probably made of those dead trees in the forest. It looked abandoned.

"Should we knock?" You ask, looking down at (W/N). He shook his head. You decided not to knock and just pulled on the handle. You tried to push the door, but it was very, very heavy. (W/N) turned around and raised his back legs and kicked at the door. It flung open.

"Damn, since when are you that strong?!" You were shocked to say the least.

"Since forever." (W/N) chuckled, stepping into the mansion.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2017 ⏰

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