Chapter twenty [EDITED]

Start from the beginning

Heading out the door, my mother plants a big smooch on my cheek and hands me two bagels. One, I assume, for James.

"Good luck, mijo."

"Gracias, mama."


I'm in his drive way and I honk the horn for him to come down. I see him run down with the kids attached to his legs and him trying to get them off. I begin stepping out of the running car to help with the lil monsters when I surprisingly see a woman I haven't met, come out and pry the kids off his small legs.

"Oh, Alex, this is my neighbor, Leilani," He says to me, noticing my confusion, "she's the one who always helps me with the kids in her free time."

She has long, black hair that hangs down to her lower back and very tan skin. Kind of like a Carmel milk chocolate type color, not so dark, not so light.

"Hello, Alex. Nice to finally meet you."

"Nice to meet you too, Leilani. I've been wanting to meet the woman who can manage these monsters without being related to them." I respond and shake her hand.

When I let go, I turn around and grab James' hand and we. Walk to my car.

The entire way we listen to metal to get us pumped for the war! Well, more like high school students who will be dicks about us together. Same thing.

I'm going to hope that in some ways it might be easier.

James' POV

I'm trying to regulate my breathing as we get nearer and nearer to the school.

And although I love rock, these songs aren't exactly helping me calm down. Until New Politics comes about.

Should I believe in the world, momma?

Should I give up and hide or should I stay and fight?

Should I believe in the rules, momma?

Tell me if I should run or learn to shoot a gun

Oh another song describing just how I'm feeling; hesitant.

Help me back on my feet, momma

'Cause I need someone to believe, believe, believe in

While mouthing the words I turn my head to Alex because this next part is, again, exactly how I feel. And when I do, he's already ahead of me doing the same.

Tonight you're perfect

I wanna fall in love with the stars in your eyes

Tonight you're perfect

I wanna fall in love but only for the night

We pull up into the parking lot and I have tears forming in my orbs. Sometimes, it hurts for how much I love him, and to know that he loves me back makes my heart throb at a 100 miles a minute.

He turns off the car after that first chorus and looks straight into my eyes. Oh gawd, those brown eyes make me weak.

He grabs my cheeks with both of his hands so our faces are mere inches from each other's.

"James, we are going to step out of this car together, hold hands together, and walk into the hell of haters, together. No matter what they say, ignore them. Because they don't know us."

Tears begin to stream down my cheeks as he speaks. His words are just too sweet.

"Why...? why are you going to do this?" I ask not thinking of the answer I so obviously know.

" 'Why'? Wanna know why? because I love you, James Deppermen."

"I love you, too, Alejandro Perez."

With those last words, we step out of the car and immediately after grabbing our bags and putting them over our shoulders, we come together and intwine our fingers together. We walk all the way to the edge of where it all begins and I look up at him.

"This is it, beautiful. Are you ready?" he asks looking down at me.

"More than I will ever be, baby." he smiles while leaning down and pecking me once before we continue.

His lips linger on mine and I feel as if I am in a daze until I begin hearing the murmurs.

What the fuck?

Who is Alex with?

Are they gay or something?!

Why is Alex holding hands with that fag?!

Uuuuuuggghh, I'm already beginning to hyperventilate. Alex notices me and pecks me again on the lips, which instantly calms me. And when he pulls away I hear the gasps and even screams coming from around us.

Did you just see that?!

Oh my fuck, did he just kiss him?!

Ewww disgusting! They are fags!

Despite the comments, I ignore them and we keep walking. I'm mostly calm. But I can tell by the way he is gripping my hand, tensely that Alex isn't. I pull him to the side so that he has to look at me and I give him a slight smile. I know this is hard for him too so I rub my thumbs along his fists and circle his palm which calms him down so that he is breathing long and deep.

He mouths me an 'I love you' and I do the same as we continue to our first class.

Most people are already seated by the time we get there. I look over to my desk and see something is carved into it. In big letters, 'FAGS SHOULD DIE' is written across it. Eh, is this the best they got? I'm use to it, but I can tell Alex isn't when I seem him clench his fist in his seat.

Today, will not be easy.


Throughout the entire day we got called names, me mostly, and our lockers, desks, and books got vandalized with 'FAG' 'HOMO' 'GO TO HELL' etc. Again, mostly me. But to be honest I really prefer me getting the slandering than him.

It's gym now and when I get in to the locker room guys are already snickering and giving me disgusted looks. I notice my locker says 'KILL YOURSELF, HOMO!' in big red letters. I only sigh, and continue to open my locker. Alex grits his teeth, but he continues when I give him another small grin to calm him. He finishes before me and I tell him to go down first, he is hesitant but goes.

I pull off my shirt and put on my PE one. Cody gasps from beside me with sympathy in his eyes. I look down and see that again in big red letters, written across my chest is 'COCK SUCKER!' with an arrow pointing to my face. That is fucking it!

I stand on top of the bench and slam my fist into my locker.

"THAT IS FUCKING IT! I am tired of having to sit by and take this shit anymore! I sat back and took it from my last school, I took it from my neighbors, my family, even my own fucking mother! But this is where it fucking ends!"

This is where I might take it too far.

"Yeah, I like men! I love dicks! I love to suck cock! So fucking what?! You eat pussy and that shit is nasty! I'm don't with having to deal with ignorant, homophobic assholes everywhere I go! I don't give a fuck anymore BECAUSE IM GAY! FUCKING DEAL WITH IT!"

I'm breathless and shaking after I finish my rant. Some of the normals guys are all just in shock while the jocks have faces written with hatred and disgust. I look and see Cody with surprised smile on his face. I slightly grin until I see his face drop from that smile to a frown.

'Why is he frowning?' I question myself before in a swift, hard second, the entire world goes completely black.

Ik ik I'm a total asshole. I hate doing it, I hate writers who do it but I believe we all need a cliffhanger lol. Btw incase this might make u feel better, my Nāni beat me up at school today cuz of the chapter lol love u Nāni


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