"Is the cave ready?" Professor asked.

"All ready, Professor." Skipper said.

"That's good." Professor gathered up the spears and Skipper copied. "We'll get the women there as soon as possible."

"Oh, there already there." Skipper informed.

Professor's eyes widened with surprise, but he looked pleased. "Good."

Skipper's face dimpled as he smiled bashfully.

"So what do we do now?" Gilligan asked, standing as his friends started walking away.

"We guard the women." Professor explained. The trio headed into the jungle where they would hide around the cave to protect the people inside.

And somewhere in the jungle, the drum beats drew closer.


The three men walked through the jungle, pushing foliage aside with their spears. Gilligan walked in the back, shivering in his shoes.

"What was that?" he squeaked, spinning around.

Skipper and Professor glanced behind them and sighed.

"It's just a leaf Gilligan." the professor reassured. Gilligan had been driving them crazy and they'd only been walking for a few minutes.

"Oh," Gilligan smiled sheepishly. "That's good."

"Gilligan, would you just be quiet?" Skipper snapped. "We're almost at the cave."

Gilligan stood back with a hurt expression.

The cave came into view-- most of it. It was half hidden by bushes and branches waiting to be dragged in front of the cave entrance. The rest of the cast-aways waited in front of it.

"I'm so glad you're here." Mary-Ann whimpered. "Those drums are getting closer!"

"We're here." Professor comforted, putting an arm around the girl's shoulders.

"Gilligan, go stand guard." Skipper ordered.

"B-by my self?" Gilligan pointed to his chest.

"I'll be there in a minute, we just need to discuss some things."

"I'll discuss them with you, Skipper." Gilligan stepped closer to his big friend and glanced around.

"Move!" Skipper pushed him away. "Stand right there, and that's an order!"

Gulping, Gilligan shuffled over to the spot in the bushes and stood guard.

"Alright, girls," Skipper started. "You're going inside, and we'll be hiding in the bushes protecting you."

"Oh, Skipper, you're so brave." cooed Ginger.

"Yes you are!" Mary-Ann agreed.

"Well..." Skipper blushed.

"Well he's not as brave as a Howell." Mr. Howell insisted. "I will guard you women to the death!"

"Oh darling, your so selfless." Mrs. Howell flirted.

"It runs in the family, my dear."

"Now come on Mr. Howell." Skipper growled.

"I'm coming, I'm coming."

"Now, you all remember what to do in an emergency?" Professor questioned.

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