In the Car

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As the man pushed Miranda into the back seat of the Suburban, she screamed. Maybe the neighbors would hear her. Then the man hit her in the back of the head with the gun, and she passed out.

Miranda woke up with her short brown hair covering her face and lying down in the backseat of a moving car. Her hands and feet were tied together and she was really uncomfortable. She didn't know where she was or where she was going or who she was with. Her head was pounding and she could barely manage the sudden rush of memories of being kidnapped. The men in the front seats of the suburban were talking quietly.

"Are you sure? I don't like taking risks, maybe we should negotiate with them."

"No, we need the money John. If we don't get it then we won't be able to go to Hawaii to escape."

What were they talking about? What money? If this was a ransom kidnapping, then they wouldn't get much. Miranda's parents weren't exactly rich. They lived in a middle class home in a middle class neighborhood. Both her parents worked hard over-time jobs for not much money. But lately the luck level had gone a little higher for them. They had won a million dollar lottery ticket a month ago, but hadn't told anyone, and silently turned up to cash in the ticket and asked for no media.

But it looked like someone had found out. Miranda's parents knew that if there was media involved with winning, people would ask for money, and they couldn't afford losing any at the moment. They were deep in debt with the bank and desperately needed to pay off bills.

But here was Miranda in the back seat of a Suburban being held against her will for ransom. It was dark outside and by the look of the time on the dashboard, it was now 2 in the morning. Hopefully her sisters had called her parents and the police by now. But where was she going? The men were talking about Hawaii, so maybe west? Hopefully not too far from her home in Ohio.

Miranda suddenly sat up bravely and asked, "Where are we going?" The man who had kidnapped her turned around and said, "Shut up, you don't need to know. Besides, you wanna live don't you?" and gave a sick smile. He turned around to face the front again. "I'm Kurt and that's John. If you wanna stay alive a bit longer I advise that you listen to us and do what we tell you to do. We're going to Colorado, so you might wanna get comfy back there, we've got a long way to go. Restroom breaks are every three hours, and one of us will always be awake and watching you, so no funny business. If there is..." he held up his handheld gun and chuckled, "well we don't want anyone to be shot now do we? The windows are tinted so don't even try with that, and if you haven't realized by now, your hands and feet are tied, so you can't run."

Miranda thought about her chances of surviving, and hopefully escaping, but they were slim enough that she didn't want to think about it, especially with her headache. She studied their faces since there masks and sunglasses were off now, hoping to memorize them. Kurt had dark brown, raggedly hair and blue eyes that would more comfortably fit a blond head. He had a handsome face and seemed about 27 or so years old with lots of arm muscles that you didn't want to mess with. John also had a brunette head, but his crew cut barely let you see the color, his eyes were brown and he looked the same age as Kurt, but like he was a SEAL on steroids.

They turned off of the highway and John said, "Ready to get the next 'package?'" as they headed towards an Indiana subdivision. Were they going to kidnap another kid?

Updates coming soon, and don't forget that I wanna hear your comments!

The Kidnapping of Miranda (unfinished)Where stories live. Discover now