"Now, my beautiful youngling. Let us see what you are truly made of." 2 said letting 3s pants fall to the floor. "No undergarments. Wise choice." 2 took hold of 3s engorged  cock, releasing a low whine from him. "I can see very well endowed but this not your time" he released 3 and shoved him to his knees. 3 looked up at 2 with his emerald and white colored eyes, awaiting further instructions.

"Now, consume your daddy." 2 demanded, placing his hand onto 3s head. 3 looked down and raised his hands to his beautiful cock. He was in awe of its size and the scent of hormones filling all of his senses.

He greedily took the cock into his mouth, slowly letting his tongue work the head. Working up the saliva in order to take the entire thing into his mouth and throat. 2 let out a wonderful moan as he felt the pleasure radiate through him. 2 let his sub work him, deeper and deeper, picking up the pace a bit then slowing as not to overstimulate him too far too quickly. 3 stared up at 2 with lust drowning him.

"Rise 3." He said in an almost affection tone. 3 released his cock and stood, wiping the saliva from his mouth and chin.
" I want you to bow deeply before our eldest." E did as he was told" yes daddy" he whispered out, almost embarrassed at how he loved calling 2 by this name. He turned and walked to the eldest, still sitting back in his chair. His erection still hidden away in his robes. 3 bent over deeply to bow, as he did he felt a hand on his back holding him there.

"You have such feminine hips, I almost wish to call you Eve." He traced his hand down 3s back before turning his palm over to caress his youngers beautiful entrance. 3 let out s small moan as 2 teased his backside. It was all he could do not to rock back onto his fingers and let them inside. 2 could sense his longing and snickered at 3s neediness but loved his self control.

"You are being such a good girl for your daddy. You deserve a reward." 2 dropped to his knees and began to lick 3s entrance slowly. 3 gasped and nearly buckled at the knees under the sudden pleasure that came over him. He reached forward placing his hands on the eldests thighs for balance. Shutting his eyes to enjoy every sensation of his seniors movements. The eldest lifted his hand to to 3s face and caressed his check. Slowly tracing his lips before demanding in. 3 opened, slightly licking the eldests fingers and then sucking them. This earned him a warm hum from him.moving his hand beneath his robes, the eldest began to match his own movements with those of 3s mouth.

2 could feel the desperation in his subs subtle rocking and stood up.
"Now you shall fully submit to me, our eldest and our unholy master." As he lathered his cock with spit, he pressed its to 3s entrance, waiting for his muscles to relax and allow him inside. 3 moaned hard onto the eldests fingers, the vibrations sending shivers through his entire body. He took his hand back from the youngests warm mouth, not wanting to be sent over the edge before the real show had begun. He brought the fingers to his own mouth and indulged in the sweet taste left behind.

3 relaxed his body and pushed back onto 2s hard awaiting cock.  When the head was finally all the way inside,3 could no longer hold back his moans. He let them free and loudly. This cause 2 to react with more, pushing further and further into his youngests virgin hole. Until he had claimed it as his.

The tunes of pleasure emitting from the two were so beautiful to the eldest. Beneath his robes, he gripped tighter, needing release but wanted the song to play on for him. 2 started thrusting slowly, his youngest virgin status( in this regard anyway ) meant he had to stretch and win over his entrance before he could fully dominate it. 3 panted with each movement. Wishing to play with his own cock but knowing it would end him too soon, he whined for his senior to go faster.

"Please! Please fuck me! Dominate my entire existence with your cock daddy,please!!" He begged as he pushed his hips back further until he reached the base of the hungry cock inside him.
"Yes my lil Eve." And with that he thruster hard, testing the lil man beneath him. 3 whimpered and whined out words dripping with lust for more. 2 happily ate this up and continues his forceful movements.

The sounds of skin hitting skins, the moans if all three papas filled the room, spilling into the hallways, causing the ghouls walking past to be turned on almost instantly. Such a wonderful song.

2 could feel his orgasm build, he began to softly sing to his sub." Come together. Together as one."
This was almost too much for the other two as they let out breathy gasps and louder moans, all three closing in on their releases.

The eldest once again raised his hand to 3 faced and forced him to stare into his eyes. Seeing the sweat roll down his flushed face caused the eldest to lose control of himself. He came into his hand, still staring deeply into 3 eyes. Feeling the intensity of the moment , 2 quickened his pace, harder and harder. 3s mouth dropped open as he began to cum from the pressure and actions happening to him, his muscles tightened round 2s cock, pushing him over the edge and releasing deep inside 3.

All three of them stayed in position , panting hard in attempt to catch their breath and steady their racing hearts. As 2 removed himself from 3 he watched the youngests legs fail and drop.

"You've done well, Papa Emeritus the third. You've submitting to your elders and in doing so , to our unholy master ." 2 said as he cleaned himself off and began to redress himself.
"You have completed the final ritual and the last trial. Now you have earned your place as the next Dark Pope. I hope you do well with your time." The eldest said, lifting 3s head to face him. "And just imagine how much more fun this will be next time. When it is time to find Papa 4. Then he can call you daddy." He chuckled at 2 expense.

Eldest rose, gathering 3 from the floor."Now, my youngest, go and enjoy your new place. But remember , you will always be ours." 3 nodded and began to clean himself and dress as well.

3 wondered if this was truly a ritual or just a fun thought the elders thought of to put him down a peg. Either way. He enjoyed it and will love it when he gets to choose the 4th. Who ever it may be....

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2017 ⏰

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