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"My dear Emeritus, you are so close to the end. Do not be swayed from your goal." Papa 1 says soothingly. He patted Emeritus 3 on his back to reassure him. He guides him through the halls of the unholy church, down the longest corridor which ends at Papa 2's room. The smell of incense burning and a soft fog rolling from under the door gave him small knot in his stomach. He had only ever been here once but the atmosphere was far different than what he was beginning to feel now.

"Wait here. I must speak with Papa the second before you are allowed to continue." A small, grim smirk is barely visible to 3 as he watches the eldest slip silently into the room and close the door behind him quickly.  3 leaned closer, hoping to hear any words that may hint at what the final trial may possibly be. But he heard nothing. Not even movement. No shuffling of feet or banter from the two elders.

3 sighed heavily as he stepped back to his original position. Rocking on his heels and humming a quiet tune, it felt as though he had been waiting an eternity. As he began to let his mind wander off, the door creaked open. His heart jumped and he held his breath as he entered the room.

The lights were dimmed and candles were lit all around. The smell of incense was overwhelming, 3 felt light headed from the intensity of them. He walked further in, around a large bookshelf that divide the room, to find the eldest sitting on a throne and 2 standing, dressed in ritual robes, by his side. In front of them lay a large lush rug designed like the embellished grucifix they all wore. As 3 walked towards them, he could sense a shift of mood in the air. From cold, unforgiving chill to a warm, sensual welcoming.

Papa 3 reached the edge of the lush rug and kneeled before his predecessors.
"Papa Emeritus the third, you have done exceptional in all your trials. Showing a confidence undeniably strong. A charisma that, in itself, is a pleasure to behold. And a talent beyond all others." The eldest spoke ever so gently, yet with a commanding dominance  to his voice.
"Thank you, my eldest. I only wish to please our unholy master and bring honor to the Emeritus name." 3 said, bowing his head and accepting the praise. Though Emeritus was not his birth name, he gladly took the new name with pride.

The eldest looked to the dark pope standing to his side and gave him the nod to proceed with the final ritual. The final trial to become the next Dark pope. To fully become Papa Emeritus the third.

He walked towards the youngest and pulled him to his feet. 3 rose and stared into 2's eyes, longing for them to reveal any secrets of what was to come shortly. A spark of lust shot from them as 2 grabbed 3 around his waist and pulled him tightly to himself.
"My lil youngling, you shall do well for me. You will submit to me."  2 seductively growled into 3s ear. Feeling the heat of 2s face connect with his own sent waves of lust through him.

"Yes papa." He spoke softly, attempting to hide his fear and lust in his calm response.

As 2 began to undo his robes, he hummed a familiar tune. 3 recognized it instantly. Monstrance clock. It finally clicked in him. He would have to fully submit to 2 as the last ritual. His face flushed pure red and his heart raced. 2 had almost completely undress before 3 had come back to the reality the room had become.
"Shall I disrobe you or would you like to put on a show for us?"  2 cooed out as the eldest shifted forward in his chair to watch closely. 3 nodded and slowly brought his hands to the top buttons of his shirt. Slightly swaying his hips as he undid each button slowly, indulging in the longing looks of his audience. He slide the shirt down one arm and then the other, making sure to turn so they could see every angle of his slim torso.

The eldest let out a small delighted chuckled and leaned back. Adjusting a noticeable interest in his lap. 2 walked over to 3 and began to undo his belt, holding tightly  to 3s hips so he could not turn away. 3 stood very still, worried that any movement might be taken as protest. He didn't protest any of it. He wanted all of it. He wanted his senior in every way. He wanted the eldest to watch and enjoy how wonderfully he would perform for him.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2017 ⏰

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