They walked past my row, looking to Louis, giving him a smile, then looked to me, rolling their eyes. I furrowed my eyebrows, looking back to the board.

"Did you hear about Niall?", This caught my attention as I continued to write acting like I wasn't listening to their whispering.

"What's my hottie up to?", I mentally scoffed at that.

"Well, apparently he's back.", the first voice spoke again.

"What? I thought they suspended him for what happened last year though?!" A different voice spoke that time. He was suspended? Doesn't surprise me, I guess, but what'd he do that was that bad?

"They did, but rumor is that his dad paid the school to let him back."

When I finally glanced back up, I didn't even realize that the room was now filled.

"Hey, Khloe, right?", I looked over to Louis, forcing a smile.

"Um, yeah.", He smiled back looking to the door as the professor walked in.

He didn't say anything else, just continued writing. I looked back to my paper noticing that everything was already scribbled down. I closed my note book, looking up to the front as the teacher gathered the lesson.

He started talking about different types of writing and how to organize thoughts faster. I tried my best to stay focused, but hearing about Niall already this morning made me start to think.

First, what had he done wrong? Why'd he get suspended?

Second, where did he go that he's now back from?

Third, How was his dad able to pay for him to continue in schooling? Were they a rich family? Aren't his parents mad at him? I could not even imagine what my parents would do to me if they found out I got suspended from college. They'd probably scream at me, trap me in a room with a billion lecture books that I was forced to read and starve me until I died.

I sighed to myself, mentally drained with him. I ruined it. I've been doing so good by not thinking of Niall, but now this just ruined it! It gave me more questions to want to know; more reasons to want to figure him out. But, I can't. He won't allow me to. He'll let me get as close to him as possible, but not as close as pushing the needle through. But, that's what I want. I want to know.

I spent all day yesterday forcing the questions and thoughts of Niall out of my head from Saturday. Liam even came over to help me with homework as a mental distraction. I haven't told him or anybody besides Gemma of what happened with Niall yet. Well, and I guess Harry technically because I'm pretty sure he knows.

"Ms. Sparks, can you answer that for me?"

My head shot up, all thoughts clearing my clouded head. "Huh?", I asked, looking to the board. I must have zoned out for a few minutes seeing as there are notes and examples written all over the board. Shit.

Okay, maybe more than a few minutes...

I heard one of the girls in the back chuckled and pop her gum.

"I asked if you could tell me the definitions of ethos, logos, and pathos.", Mr. Anderson asked, giving a small smile. I'm thankful he's not a complete ass like some of the other teachers.

"Yes, sir.", I smiled back, tapping my pen against the binding of my yellow notebook. "Ethos is when the author or speaker persuades the audience with their credibility. Pathos is when the author or speaker persuades the audience with emotions, and Logos is to convince by logic, data, or facts." He smiled at my answer turning to the board.

I sighed, sinking back to my seat.

"Yes, class. Sparks is right. When writing rhetorically, you need to know these things, so if you haven't already, make sure to write that down."

Frozen (Frat Boy Niall) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now