"But was that really the way to do it? I love Luke and if you care about me you'll leave it be and stop with---this." I spoke pointing to his drunk state. "I may love Luke but, I still care about your health and drinking like this definitely isn't healthy." I sigh.

I was so pissed off right now that I honestly want to just walk away but, I know that I can't leave him in this state. "Come on, let's take your ass home." I sigh as I grab his arm and begin to pull him out of the door.


Josh and I come to a halt in front of his car that's surrounded by cop cars. Confused I walk into the direction and am surprised to see Ashley and Maria being shoved into a car with there hands cuffed behind their backs.

What the fuck? I walk over to a man who's obviously a cop and he has a blue uniform on and a badge. "What the hell's going on?" I bark at the police.

"I'm afraid I can't share that information with you mam." He politely speaks. "Uh, yeah you can. For one thing you just arrested my best friend and that car over there." I point to Josh's car. "Is his car." I point to Josh who has his arm wrapped around my shoulder. The cop sighs before he begins to speak,

"Those girls were arrested for possession, breaking and entering, and, fake evidence. They were trying to frame him." He points beside me at Josh. Why the hell would they want to frame Josh? This makes no sense to me....

*****Luke's POV****

I frustratedly run my fingers through my hair as a pace back and forth probably looking like an idiot to the hundreds, maybe even thousands, of people in here but, I don't care.

I know that Linzey didn't cause the kiss and that she tried to push him away but, the way that she defended him really pissed me off. I feel bad for being a dick but, I let my anger get the best of me, I know it's not a good excuse but, it's the truth.

I look back to where Linzey and Josh were once standing and can't help but get pissed as I notice their gone and only God knows where they went. This is all my fucking, I just hope Linzey isn't to pissed off. "You okay?" Someone asked as they placed their hand on my shoulder bring me to a stop.

I look behind me to see Cale sadly smiling. "I've been better." I huff. "Well you need to calm down for a second because we have to go help everyone." He purses his lips. "What do you mean? Is Linzey involved in this?" I asked as I began to panic.

"In a way. Come on I'll explain on the way there." The worst scenarios play in the back of my mind as we run out of the large club, if something happened to Linzey I'll never forgive myself for letting her leave this club.

*****Ashley's POV*****

"We still need to talk to the detectives and such before I can get you out of this." Daniel, Maria's dad, sighs.

"I'm still disappointed in you guys and I expected a lot more from you, your both very smart girls." He continues to ramble as we enter a room that I'm guess they hold interrogations and such. "Take a seat." He softly smiles as we sit down.


Before soon I'm surprised as I drunk Josh's stumbles in the room with Linzey at his side. "What the hell guys? Are you psycho?" Linzey raises an eyebrow as she helps Josh sit down at a chair. I couldn't help but wonder where Luke was but, didn't question it.

"We just wanted to help save your relationship." Maria explains. "But you didn't have to go this far guys, and you could have just mentioned it to me." She sadly smiles as she takes a seat beside me.

"I'm really thankful but, this has gone to far." She sighs before continuing, "And your method didn't work anyways." These words made me raise an eyebrow. "What happened?" I asked.

"I kissed her." Josh answers before she can making her nod as tears pricked at her blue eyes. It really pisses me off that we went through all this trouble just so he could destroy what they have. I wish I could comfort her more but, were in the middle of a police station and I'm hand cuffed so, there's really not much I can do.

"Really Josh? You're such a dick!" Maria growls but, Josh just laugh frustrating her further. "It's not fucking funny. How could you ruin something so, important to the girl you love? Don't you want her to be happy?" She continues.

"I want Linzey happy but, I have the right to be happy to, don't you think?" He yells loudly just as the door flys open to show a panicked Luke, he quickly rushes over to Linzey placing a soft peck on her head.

"Thank God you're okay." He sighs as he pulls her into his chest. Does that mean their okay? These people are so fucking confusing it actually hurts my head.


Love conquers all!!!!! Lol hope everyone liked this...I got bored in class today and actually wrote a chapter for while their back home xD and I'm going to start writing more stuff while I'm in school but, I can't this week because of major test which is actually a writing exam thing but, yeah (:


P.s. Stay smexy!!! :)

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