The Aesthetics

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The morning starts, bare and new,

Cold washed through the old day from you.

Water erases remnants of yesterday, new face removed.

To reveal the one handed down from a gnarled tree, the knot and groove.

Repetition, let your genes sew.

Whittled and carved, a slot for us;

Personalities picked and pried, such fuss

Stuffed into frills and bows

Tied into corsets, standing in neat rows

This was all so long ago, as if we haven't given enough.

Skin covers an anatomy that is mostly the same

A set of arms, legs, eyes, one heart away

from a pair of equal construction and conception

Grown to swing different weapons

of destruction and fit a different cliché.

Bodies like nests of possibilities, destinies

But we still act as if we live in the seventies.

We're not wax figurines, we can melt and morph

Create new outlines, transform

Become transparent and forget the aesthetics

The concept of beauty is insignificant

When you realise it is magnificent

To have a person instead of an idea

*Written for school, a poem about the social justice issue of gender roles and stereotypes. 

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