Cursive - Butcher the Song

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Cursive - Butcher the Song

With this song I figured out how to add a handy-dandy YouTube link. It's for all you lazy fuckers out there.

This song is the sixth track off their 2003 album, The Ugly Organ. I knew when I was finished posting the previous song, the next would be by Cursive. Picking which song however was a bitch. They have many that I am in love with, so it was a challenge to say the least. I picked this beauty because this is the most recent Cursive song I have and also I have been completely obsessed with it. To simply lay it out, I love this song. It screams utter perfection to me and I'm so thrilled to share this song with others. Hell, I'm thrilled to share this band, as I do not think many people know or have even heard a song from Cursive - that my friends is, a crying shame. This song differs greatly from the previous one (Weezer - Where's My Sex?) in almost every way. This is when shit starts to get serious kiddies. Buckle up and hang on.

Moving on from that long (and probably overdone) intro, I'd like to change it up and just post all the lyrics right here and now for your viewing pleasure (I suggest listening to the song while reading the lyrics). Anyways, enjoy.

There's a time and a place,

This is neither the time nor place.

Where do I fit in,

In this jigsaw of a relationship?

Why should I play the fall guy to your love?

I keep getting snubbed,

What dumb luck, what dumb luck.

So rub it in with your dumb lyrics.

Yeah, that's the time and place,

To wring out your bullshit.

And each album I get shit on a little more.

"Who's Tim's latest whore?"

Now, that's not fair -

No, that's just obscene.

I'll stop speaking for you,

If you stop speaking for me.

I'm writing songs to entertain,

But these people they just,

They, they just want pain.

They wanna hear my deepest sins,

The songs from the ugly organ.

And what comes out is a horrible mess.

Songs I can't forget, what's been said,

And this guilt I can't shed.

It still rings in my ears -

Oh get out the butcher's knife.

I've been screaming for years,

But it gets me nowhere.

Just get out the butcher's knife.

Will you get out the butcher's knife?

Get out the butcher's knife, oh.

That organ's playing my song,

But the song's gone on too long.

What a day to sever such ugly extremities.

"What a lovely day," says the butcher as he raises his arm.

"And I am what is left: a puppet. Laughing at the look of amazement on the musician's face, Pinocchio dove off the cliff and swam away..." 

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