Chapter One: David Simmons

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     "Well, actually....I can't really tell you that." He admitted sheepishly.

     "But I do have a good reason!"

     Amanda furrowed her brow in confusion. Her thoughts once again became muddled. It was getting harder to remember that this was a bad guy. He seemed so innocent.

     'Surely he's not that bad.'

     No! He was an intruder!

     "How can you expect me to believe that?"

     "Yes, I realise that now. Look, for now, let's just say that I saw your place and it was the best fit for my needs."

     "Your needs?!"

     What was she thinking?! How could she ever think he wasn't dangerous?! He freaking broke into her home!

     "Oh, that sounds even worse doesn't it? I was for you and your apartment was the closest place to hide other people! Quite the coincidence actually."

     "What, so you're running from someone. Is it the police? Thugs? Mafia? Your ex-girlfriend?"

     "This is getting us nowhere!" he said, frustrated. Amanda watched him warily. By this point, she's not ruling out crazy person. But still, that fuzzy feeling was coming back, and it was stronger than before. She shook her head, trying to rid herself of the sensation.

     'This man wasn't bad. He was nice. Friendly. An ally.'

     "I know! Okay, let's introduce ourselves. Hi, my name is David Simmons. Investigator of Unusual Things and Strange Anomalies." he announced, before producing a business card with a flourish.

     She takes the card hesitantly stared at it. And stared. And stared some more.

     'This looks like something a little kid made with glitter and way too much PVA glue.'

     "And your name is Amanda, isn't it? Amanda Furlough."

     "Yes. That's my name." She mumbled. No, that's not right. She shouldn't tell intruders her name. Or should she? The nice man hasn't really done anything wrong. This is confusing. Shouldn't she be alarmed that he knew her name?

     "Ah, yes. Thought so. Okay, now that you're here, it would be best if I were to leave immediately. You'd have to come with me of course."

     "Come with you? But, I don't think-"

     Amanda was cut of by banging on her front door. She looked over wondering if it was one of her neighbours, but that thought was erased from her mind when she heard a terrifying growl emitting from somewhere outside her apartment. The banging on her door increased and became more urgent.

     The man, David, paid the noises no attention and drags her attention back to him.

     "Now would be a perfect time to leave. Come along Amanda, wouldn't want to miss our window."

     He grabbed her hand and she numbly let him lead her towards the already broken window.

     'Maybe this David man was here to help? Yeah, that sounds right. I should follow him. I can trust him.'

     Lightning flashed and she caught a glimpse of something lurking outside her other window.

     Lightning flashed for a second time, illuminating what was outside. It was...she didn't even know. It was hideous. It's face was completely covered with prickly hair, scars, half healed cuts and scratches, all oozing with pus and covered in grime. It's nose and mouth was stretched into a snout and long strands of greasy, muddy hair hung from its massive head, made worse by the rain plastering it to its face. And it was huge. So big, it was hunching over to see into her tiny apartment. But worst was it's eyes. In that one moment that it stared straight into her own eyes, Amanda could feel its bloodlust and promises of pain. That one moment was all it took to scare her right to her very bones and snap her out of her daze.

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⏰ Última actualización: Sep 12, 2017 ⏰

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