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I remember when I first met him.... Phil....
He came up to me... starting a conversation... as my face turned bright red... he started blushing as well... I could tell he was kinda into me... cuz I sure was

I love his smile..

Every time I'm feeling down... un encouraged, or sad... he would always lift me up and encourage me again ... But mostly his smile afterwards... He was the one... I knew we were...

He would always say funny things to make us laugh together,
He would purposely wake up early every day... to surprise me with breakfast...
Every moment I spent with him is so precious to me...
The way he ran his fingers through my hair gently and whispers ,"I love you Dan...."
Then kissing me lightly on the cheek

Ever since that first moment he had taken my breath away...

But he's gone now...

This was all my fault he left. Who else was to love me the way he did... and how much i loved him... I'm a useless piece of shit no one cares about, He was the only person who made me feel.. feel so... so alive,
He was always there for me...

Please tell me what do I do!?
I miss his warm pale skin...
And the comforting touch of his body... leaning against' mine
... his warm soft lips kissing me so passionately , him pulling me closer gripping me tightly... I knew it were... our love...

I never felt this much feeling for someone ever in my life...
He's special to me, I feel like my life is crashing before my eyes. Not seeing him for so long is making me lose myself mentally and physically...

I would forget and fall asleep... and in the middle of the night when I try to lean over and put my arm around him...
my arm would just flop on the bed...
Most nights I can't sleep... I want him next to me... I miss his soft kiss on my forehead while I'm still asleep...
Even when I'm still sleeping I feel that warm soft touch on my forehead that made me smile...

I want phil...
I need phil...

I don't know what to do...
He caught me kissing Lucas Beckham last week from the 10 year Highschool reunion
When Lucas came in and kissed me...
I tried pulling away from him...
It was too late...

Phil was there... right there watching us... I could see tears stuck in his eyes looking at the both of us in shock and horror... he then spoke in a very mad but underlined voice
," Dan... what the hell?... wha-why!? how could you do this to me Dan?...."
He paused... I could see his pale-ish roses cheeks turning bright red... but In sadness and anger... i saw his disappointment in me...

He paused to see if I can change that... I knew he didn't want to believe it... he just stared at us in complete horror and shock
I just stood there in pure anger but mostly really confused and sad ... I couldn't move... all I did was stutter... I tried to explain... but I couldn't get the words out of me...

But before i got a chance Phil knew... phil had no patience... and couldn't wait no longer to try and not believe this... He just disappeared

I want him back... I said this a million times but words can't describe this...

He wouldn't reply to my texts and won't answer my calls...

I NEED HIM... He's all I ever had... He was mine and mine only...
I can see him now... still mixed with emotions... still sad... angry... speechless... shocked and overwhelmed

There is no chance he will take me back...
I love him
My hopes are he'll just believe...
Calling me back and saying ," Dan I miss you come back... I love you ok!? "
But then just thought the only person who will be saying that...

Is him....

Cringe af -.- -_-

Love from you is all I need //phanWhere stories live. Discover now