Chapter 11-15

Depuis le début

Ash looked at Tangela on the pokedex: Tangela, the vine pokemon. Its body is wrapped in vines. The rest of its form is hidden beneath these vines.

"Then Vulpix I choose you" said Ash. His red fox got ready to battle. Erika smiled. "Even though you are using a fire type Ash," she said "don't think that you have won yet". "Don't worry Erika," said Ash "I know very well that you should never judge pokemon by types". "Okay," said Erika "Tangela use vine whip". Tangela shot out two vines, ready to hit Vulpix. "Use quick attack to dodge" said Ash. Vulpix's quick attack got away from the vine whip. "Use stun spore" said Erika. A yellow powder came off Tangela and headed for Vulpix. "Try to use flamethrower, before you get paralyzed" said Ash. But it was too late; the stun spore struck Vulpix and Vulpix felt numb. "Vulpix return" said Ash, returning Vulpix to her pokeball. "Charmander I choose you". Charmander got ready to fight. "Tangela return," said Erika "Weepinbell go. Use razor leaves". Weepinbell shot out a lot of leaves. "Use flamethrower to burn the leaves" said Ash. Charmander's flamethrower burnt the leaves to a crisp. "Now use skull bash". Charmander charged at Weepinbell and hit it with his head very hard. Weepinbell fainted. "Weepinbell return now" said Erika. The ladies on the side line watched in amazement. "Wow Ash is good" said one. "Yeah, not only is he cute but he is strong" said another. "I must say Ash," said Erika "you are an impressive trainer. But this gym battle is not over yet. Gloom go". A grass pokemon, with drool coming out of its mouth appeared.

Ash looked at the pokedex: Gloom, the weed pokemon. The evolved form of Oddish. It gives off a powerful aroma that can cause those to smell it to faint from two miles away.

Then Gloom sprayed its smell and Charmander got hit by the smell. Charmander fainted from the stench and Ash returned it. 'Oh boy," he thought 'this will be tough'. "Okay Flareon I choose you". His flareon was ready. "Use flamethrower" Flareon blew fire to Gloom and hurt it. "Quick Gloom, use petal dance" said Erika. A spiralling whirl of petals shot out of Gloom's petals and twirled towards Flareon. "Use fire spin Flareon" said Ash. A spiralling whirl of flames shot out of Flareon's mouth and burnt the petals and struck Gloom. Gloom couldn't stand another attack of flames and fainted. Ash had won.

Ash stroked Flareon's head. "Thank you Flareon" he said. Flareon loved being stroked. He saw Erika tending to her Gloom and went to see if everything was okay. "Oh don't worry," said Erika, with a smile, "Gloom will be all right. Ash you gave me an excellent battle. You're a good trainer". Ash blushed at that comment. "And so I give you the Rainbow Badge. The Rainbow Badge was the shape of a flower with eight rainbow coloured petals. "Thank you" said Ash, taking the badge.

After receiving the badge, Ash and his friends bid farewell to Erika and her assistances and left Celadon City.

Ash, Brock and Misty came to a city with skyscrapers and apartments. "Hey, where are we Brock?" asked Misty. Brock looked at the map. "It says that we are in Hop Hop Hop Town" he said. "Funny name for a town" said Ash. Then suddenly he stopped in his tracks and looked around him. "Is something wrong Ash?" asked Brock. "I'm sensing something weird in the air" said Ash "I don't know what, but something doesn't feel right in this city".

Just then they heard a woman shouting "Arnold!" They went to see what was wrong. The woman explained that her son Arnold was missing and had been missing for three whole days. "My son isn't the only one who's missing". She pointed to a wall that had a long row of pictures of children. "Those children have been missing for three days as well". 'I thought so,' thought Ash 'something is not right about this city'. He turned to the woman and thought about his mum. "Don't worry ma'am" he said to her "I'm sure Arnold will come home". The woman thanked Ash for the kind words and left.

"We need to sort this out," said Brock "children just disappearing like that seems all wrong". Ash and Misty agreed. "Split up and look for clues and ask people questions". So Ash, Brock and Misty split up and asked a lot of people if they had seen any of the missing children, but they hadn't. Then Ash saw an Officer Jenny and asked her if she had seen any of the missing children. "No I haven't," sighed Officer Jenny "and I've been looking for them these past three days. I don't suppose you've noticed anything have you young man?" Ash explained that he sensed something weird in the air earlier. "I don't know what though". "If you sense it again, please tell me at once" said Officer Jenny "I'm going to see Nurse Joy now, if you wish to join". Ash accepted.

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