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Minako walked to the table where Oikawa was sitting. Minako helped him with his English homework.

"Iwa-chan!" Oikawa exclaimed as he saw Iwaizumi.

"Trashykawa," he said, "Hello, Minako-san,"

Oikawa saw Minako smile at Iwaizumi. Oikawa felt worried. What if Minako did not love him? He watched as Iwaizumi and Minako talked about the volleyball results. Iwaizumi got up to leave because he had to go somewhere. After Minako had helped Oikawa, she got up to leave. Oikawa grabbed her arm.

"Oikawa-san!" she exclaimed.

Oikawa blushed as he heard Minako's voice and handed her a heart shaped box. Minako blushed. The captain of the girl's tennis team, Hisayo Fumika, walked past. She looked at them jealously. She had been in love with Oikawa since her first year yet Oikawa had never really talked to her.

After lunch, Fumika walked to Oikawa. She dragged him to the middle of the field and hugged him.

"Hello, everybody!" she exclaimed, "Me and Oikawa-san are in love with each other,"

Oikawa was shocked. He looked and saw Minako and saw her walking away.

"Minako," he began.

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