Chapter 2- River Jones is back!

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I am just sitting like a normal person and I log onto wattpad like 'OMFG I HAVE A FOLLOW AND A VOTE IM GONNA DIEEEE' And like everyone keeps staring at me wierd... Like OMG THANK YUH!! <3

Lets get going ;D


Rivers POV.

I stare at the phone in my hands, illuminating my face.

I called Tori, but she didn't pick up, I had tried 5 times untill I finally gave up.

I decided to try once again and this time she picked up.

"Tori! You kn-"

I was cut short, 


"Tori! My baby! How are you?"

Shit, What the hell was I thinking?! Nothing is the same! She probably hates me to hell and back!

I need to get close to her.

"What the hell River?! You dissapear for 3 years and now you expect everything to be the same?" She laughs.

"Tori, I can expl-"

"No, River, you can't explain, do you know how I felt when you left me? I thought it was all my fault you asshole!"

"Maybe because I was going through a hard time!"

She laughs once again with no humor in her voice,

"River, you thought by blaming me that maybe you would get out of your 'hard time?'"

"My girlfriend lef-"

"Yes, River, your girlfriend left you because she came home early to suprise you and caught you cheating on her! I understand it was my idea that she comes early but you idiot-"

"I missed you."

There was a long pause before she finally spoke,

"But I hate you,"

And she hung up.

I put my head in my hands and chucked my phone across the room. Tori knew nothing about what I was going through. My girlfriend left me then I came to her, we started dating but then we broke up because I had to go to America, my parents were in a car accident and I took in out on her, Well, the least that bitch can do is understand!

I didn't miss Tori, she was always her bitchy self, demaning everything.

Maybe, just maybe... This is time for revenge?


Tori's POV

I hung up. I hated River, so, so much.

I could never forgive him... ever.

I understand he was going through a hard time and all but the things he did? He practically ruined me for 3 years. He never contacted me... nothing at all.

I looked down on my wrists- some scars were visible whilst others were fading.

He told me I was doing it for attention. 

It wasn't just River, he turned everyone against me... even my family.

I looked up to see Holly gaping at me, her eyes full of pity - she was the only one who understood. 

The only one.

"Want to talk about it?" she asked as she pulled into the schools parking lot.


"Are you sure?"

"JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" I screamed, getting out of the car and slamming the door, earning a few disapproving looks from the others.

She looked at me, got out the car and left.

I shouldn't have done that. 

I am a fat, ugly, stupid bitch.


So there it is!!

I'm sorry it's short and rushed! *hides behind couch*

Anywho, please Vote, Share and comment! (: *hands out lollies*

Check out my other story, 'Being a girl'

Have a great day! 

~San x

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2014 ⏰

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