Wish Me A Starlight (Chapter-1)

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Yo peeps! Another story for ya!😚 Before you go any further, let me WARN you- it's a mpreg!😏 What? A girl can dream, can't she?😳 So, it's the first chapter OR probably the only chapter, depending how your response will be to this baby of mine. If you like it to continue, drop me a word. For the first time readers and the silent ones, I really don't bite; I just give panda hugsies!😘😘😘

Those who share their thoughts with me regularly, bring it on, babes!😎

Dedication- This fic is dedicated to my Lemu, LuanaPapaianopol. While chatting with her this idea first came and we had a blast that night!😀 Lemu Lemu, pat my head, I've been a good panda!🐼

Please note that this chapter was written in a hurry. I'll be off to my vacation tonight and wanted to give you something before I go. In fact, I'm writing this note from the station.😎 Couldn't edit the chapter much, sorry. I'm usually not this clumsy. Anyway, 6k words for 6days absence. 1k each day. Munch on it good!😙 Heard that it's raining where I'm going.😭

Please read the A/N at the end of the chapter. And enjoy the read.😀


Another bouts of nausea left his body as he sat there on the cold linoleum floor of the toilet. He felt like dying; there was nothing left in his stomach to vomit. If he could just puke his soul out it would have been better. As his breath gradually came back to normal so came the realization of what was happening. He looked at the white stick lying near his feet. Positive. His eyes went to his left wrist automatically. Still empty.

He was pregnant. Without a soulmate. As preposterous as it may sound, it had happened.

Weizhou folded up his knees against his chest and hid his face in between. After a moment, his body began to shake from the crying that tore through the core of his being.


Male pregnancy was not unheard of in their universe. Without the help of any artificial aid, if two soulmates, both males, wished for a family of their own while being physically connected to each other in the most primal way, then there was a chance of their wishes coming true. It was not frequent but once in a blue moon there was news of a male conceiving a child in this way. Some said it depended on the bond. But what could be stronger than a soulmate bonding? And everyone had their soulmates.


WeiZhou looked at the empty spot on the wrist where the Soul Sign should have been. His eyes began to fill again knowing what that meant for him.

JingYu was not his soulmate.

They had been together for four months now. Met on the set of a drama. Something clicked. And they fell for each other. Completely. Irrevocably.

He bit the knuckles of his hand hard, remembering those early days. How happy he was. How complete he felt, as if a missing puzzle piece of his existence had finally been found.
How certain he was about JingYu being his soulmate.

And he knew JingYu felt the same way. And it made the pain more unbearable.

They were anxious when even after a month their Signs did not appear but seeing how their addiction with each other only grew by each day, they did not worry much. Where could they find a love this strong if not in between soulmates?

But not receiving the Sign even after the conception?

Hot tears streamed down WeiZhou's face.

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