At Water's Edge - Chapter 12 Part I

Start from the beginning

 “Sss…Steven” she stammers as a small smile creeps upon her lips.  Just then Nicki walks over, standing behind her with his hand on the small of her back glaring at Steven.

 Looking him squarely in the eye Steven grins mischievously nodding his head ‘Two can play that game’ he thinks to himself as he turns on his heels and disappears through the darkened doorway.           

             “Where are you off to” asks Vanessa catching Nina just as she is rushing out the door to a ready coach.  

 “I am having a meeting at the shop in regards to the design of the dresses” she says tapping her sketch pad “I will be stopping at Fiona’s first and together we will go to Evangeline’s.”

 “And how is my dress coming along, may I see?”

 “Very well and no you may not I wish for it to be a surprise, thought if you have a preference to a color or material please do tell me, it will make it easier.”

 “I shall think about it and let you know.”

 And I will look through the inventory and give you a choice of the best” smiles Nina just as she slips through the door and into her carriage.

 Pulling up to the Dartmouth estate she sees Fiona eagerly waiting her arrival. 

 Nina steps out of the carriage to an anxious Fiona.

 “Hello dearest” Nina whispers as she embraces her friend.  

 Fiona squeezes her back but when she pulls away Nina can see her young friend’s brow is furred in worry.

 “What is amiss, sweetheart?” questions Nina as she holds Fiona at arm’s length.

 Fiona looks her in the eye and breaks down “I have no escort!”

 “What do you mean you have no escort, what of all those young men that you danced with at your gala?”

 Hiccupping Fiona answers “The Queens ball is an annual event and apparently all of them secured their partners ahead of time.  I said I am prepared to go alone but Auntie has come up with the brilliant solution of having Jacob be my escort.  I will be the laughing stock if I walk into the biggest event of the season with my little brother as my escort.”

 “Oh no that simply will not do, there must be someone else we can ask.  Calm yourself my dear we will find a solution” wrapping her arm protectively around Fiona they walk into the house. 

 Stepping in they see Contessa Parish waiting for them before the doors to the parlor. 

 “Your ladyship” Nina curtsies before the stern woman. 

 “Welcome my dear” says the Contessa ushering them both in, Nina seats herself across the way from the Countess whilst Fiona seats herself next to her aunt.  

 “Fiona do cease your pouting it is simply unladylike, it is no wonder we were unable procure you a chaperone.”

 Seeing this as her way into the discussion  Nina interjects “Your ladyship I would be most honored if you would allow me to assist you in this predicament, I am certain I could find someone that will be more than delighted to escort Fiona.”

 “No need child I have taken care of the matter already” she says with an air of finality.

 “You have? Well that is wonderful, who is the most fortunate gentleman?” in quires Nina.

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