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Finally getting out of bed I make my way to the shower. I decide to just relax in the tub the other night with August was just what we needed. We're way closer than before and we talk a lot more. I hear my phone ringing but I ignore it.

Wrapping the towel around my body . I pick out some clothes to be comfortable in. My phone rings again for the tenth time. This better be important. Its Ej who been blowing my shit up.

"Yeah?" I answer the phone.

"Arielle the fuck you been!? I've been blowing your shit up! August been shot!" Hearing those words my phone drops it my hand.

"I'll be there in five text my the information to the room.".

I hurry up and get dressed throwing my hair in a ponytail. Throwing my phone in my purse I rush out the house. Speeding through traffic not really giving a fuck about he car honking at me.

Running inside the hospital like a mad man I get to the front desk.

"I'm looking for August Alsina room." I say.

"Who are you to him?" She ask.

"His wife now what room is he in?" I ask again. I don't have time for all these question. She finally give me the room number. Running through the hall to get to the elevator. When the door finally open I search for the room number.

"Baby oh my God! I'm so glad you're okay." I say walking towards him. My heart shatters seeing him the hospital bed.

"Whoa Jasmine!" EJ says.

I didn't even notice she was in the room till Ej spoke. I look at her stomach she really is pregnant.

"I should get going. I'm glad you're okay Aug. later guys." She rushes out the room.

I don't really care my focus is on August and that all. Looking at his wound I start to cry. " I'm good baby It's just a lil wound. They took out the bullet and stitched it up. Nothing fatal obviously."

"August what the hell happen during the show man. I knew I should've went with you." I say.

"Baby you wouldn't have been able to stop the bullet.". He says holding my hand.

"I'm sorry baby." I say. I kiss his lips trying to comfort him.

"I'm not dying baby." He chuckles.

"When do you get released ?" I ask.

"Probably tomorrow night." He says.

"Okay baby you ate ? Or want me to get you something to eat?" I ask him.

"I'll get us some food." Ej says.

"Thanks Ej.. want some Chinese baby?".

"Yeah get the good stuff Ej I don't want no damn Lo Mein." August says laughing.

"Man you're lame ass." He says laughing.

He exit he room leaving just August and I. I lay my head on him we just sit in silence. He runs his hand through my hair.

"Maybe you should chill on the music shit for a little bit?" I ask.

"I will be not long I need to get shit done." He says.

"Just make sure you heal correctly.".

After Ej gets back we eat and talk I start to get sleepy. The nurse tell us visitation is over but I can stay. I lay out on the bed they pull out. I kiss August goodnight then go to sleep.

"Good morning handsome." I say looking at August.

"What's up beautiful." He says smiling.

"Glad you're alright.". I say.

"Of course your man is a survivor." He chuckles.

"Whatever boy have the nurse been in to give you meds?" I question.

"Yes. They releasing me later today." He says.

"Well I have to make sure you get rest and eat well cause knowing you you'll be back to business and shit real quick.".

"Money has to be made. But I'll take the next few days off remember we have that interview I have to do that one.".

Ej comes into the room with some breakfast. He hands me a plate and hand August one. After brushing my teeth and washing my face I head back to the room to eat my breakfast.

"Arielle go shower and change baby girl I'll be good I don't get released till later.".

"Ej will you stay with him till then ?" I ask.

"Of course man." He replies.

Leaving the hospital I head home. Seeing how things played out I'm thankful his injury wasn't more serious.

After taking my nice hot shower I get dress. Grab a few things for August so he can change once he is out. I never want to see him like this.

"Mom yes?" I answer the phone.

"How is August?" She ask.

"He's alright it wasn't anything fatal thankfully." I say.

"Send my love please I'll come over to visit you guys tomorrow or something stop by with my famous brownies he loves so much.".

"Thanks mom I appreciate that."

I get back to the hospital August asleep. "Your man is knocked the fuck out." Ej laughs.

"All them drugs they giving him.".

"But on another note girl did you know Jasmine was pregnant?" He ask.

"Well I found out the other day. Giselle happen to stop by the house and she saw her stomach." I say.

"Word!? And you didn't spill the tea! I wonder who she never even spilled a word about dating someone.".

"She wanted to keep it on the low." I say.

The doctors come in. "Alright Mr.Alsina you'll be getting released today. I have medication for you, use them as instructed on the bottle. Any questions?".

"Nah thanks doc." He says.

"Great have a great day you guys.".

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