Tough Love

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Alex's POV
I cross my arms over my chest as I look at my bastard of a father. I'm suck of what he's dragged me into. It's not me. Especially since Ana is back, its too risky to stay doing this. I'm surprised my parents or someone on this town hasn't caught on yet.
"You called," my father says as he sits down in front of me. I look around us to make sure no ones around to hear.
"I want out. This isn't-"
"Isn't what? You are my son, we share the same blood. Your mother might had been one hell of a saint, but I sure as hell ain't. You are who your parents make you. You've seen things that I've done and they have shaped you into the man you are today. Now, its time to combine for-"
"No. This has to end. It's too much a risk in a town like this. I promise that I won't tell anyone about what your planning. People already look at me like I'm some walking monster, which, hey, maybe I am, but I can't deal with this on my conscious as well as my brother."
His expression becomes murderous. Again, I feel like I'm five and cower away whenever my father looks at me or comes onto the room. "He is not your brother. They are not my family."
"Yes they are. They took me in when you were wants to be some phyco murderer who kills his own wife." He flashes the blond waiter a grin, making her blush as she walks by.
"Your mother knew who she was marrying. And did I hold that gun to her head and pull the fucking trigger, no. She did that her own damn self. I didn't kill her. I loved her."
"You don't know what love is. You laid your hands on your wife, son, and daughter. That not love, that abuse."
"Tough love son. Tough love. You might as well start showing that girlfriend of yours some of that." My eyes widen at his words.
"I will never lay a hand on her," I say, my knee bobbing up and down to try and control my growing anger.
"Whatever you say Sonny boy," he says. I roll my eyes. "Anyways, the job is almost over. We know where Khole is now, so we get into his room and kill him when he's least expecting it. I need you because of your fighting capability. It's amazing how much strength you can pack its the swing if your arm. I might even let you pull the trigger if I'm feeling generous."
"How kind of you," I say sarcastically. He cocks his head to the side.
"It really is, isn't it?" Its no question where I got my ego, sense of humor, and love for violence from. My mom was an angel in disguise. She loved everyone that was important to her with her whole self. She was the best and no one can compare to her.
"I just want to finish high school, go to college, start a career, get married and start a family without more blood on my hands."
He sighs and sits back in the seat. "Fine. You can be out," he says, his eyes narrowed. I stand up and grab my jacket. Before I can walk out he stops me. "This isn't over."
"It never is with you."
"Oh, one more thing," he says, stopping me again. This time he has a smirk. "Tough love. She won't like it, but you sure will. Your exactly like me at heart."
My father's words repeat in my head as I pull the hood of the car down and set down the tools I was using.
"Tough love. She won't like it, but you sure will." His words say. I know that I'm like him in ways I wish I wasn't. That's another reason why I used to fight; I liked making people feel the pain I was enduring. Maybe that's why I was so good at it.
"Hey," a soft, comforting voice says. I turn towards Ana. Her eyes widen for some reason. "Are you okay? Your crying." Immediately, I wipe them away. Its not that I'm scared to show weakness, but I like to keep it to myself.
"I'm fine," I say, turning away to wipe the tears. I known that if I look at her again, I will just start again.
"Are you sure your okay?" She asks, placing her hand on my shoulder. Almost violently, I shrug her hand off.
"Don't touch me right now. The last thing I want to do is end up hurting you and you leaving me." She sighs.
"I know that you won't. I lo-" I turn around and slap her. My chest and rises and falls heavily as anger courses through me. The impact was so hard that she stumbles back and cut her arm on the edge of the counter.
"Don't say you love me." Tears fill her eyes as she hesitantly walks backward to the door.
"Trust me, I won't ever say it again."

AN: This shows more of his inner demons and fears. I'M IN NO WAY! SUPPORTING ABUSE!!! And before you you guys say, not this is not a dream. This really is happening. Sorry. The ship has some to an unexpected stop. What do you think will happen??? Comment and share!! Stay alive |-/ -Veah

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