Chapter 1

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Lily Potter nearly cried when she saw him. James stood in front of his tomb, gazing intently at her. His glasses were cracked, but that didn't stop Lily from running to him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her lips to his.

"Excuse me miss, but could you tell me what year it is?" James asked as he and Lily wandered aimlessly around Godrics Hallow. The lady gave him an odd look. "Why it's 1998."
"Thank you Ma'am." Lily said hurriedly, and dragged James by the wrist.

"Lily as much as you dragging me is fun, where in Merlin's name are we going?" James said once they had reached the outskirts of the village. "To Harry." Lily said simply. "How are we supposed to know where Harry is?" James asked skeptically. "Well James, let's think about that. What month is it? You can tell just by looking outside." Lily said with a raised eyebrow.
James looked around. "I'd say June."
Lily looked at him like he was stupid "James, where would our wizard son be in June?"
"It's a miracle you're able to function with a brain that small." Lily muttered under her breath. "What was that Evans?" James said, a taunting smirk in his face.
"That's Potter to you...Potter." Lily said with a smirk of her own. "I suppose it is." James said before taking her hand in his. Their wedding rings clinked together as they disapperated with a faint pop.

Sirius Black rushed into the Leaky Cauldron, his head still low. No one looked his way as he tapped the bricks on the wall that led to Diagon Alley. As he walked inside, he was struck by how sparse it was. No one was there, so it made his job easier. He entered Gringotts bank with no plan at all. He approached the nearest goblin, who was shocked to see him. The flustered goblin asked him for his key, which he pulled from his cloak. Taking his key, the goblin hobbled to a cart, and motioned for Sirius to join him.

Sirius had never liked the ride down to his vault. Because he came from a long bloodline, his vault was deep below the ground. The protection surrounding the vaults was strong. He could almost hear the magic humming as they hurtled downwards. His face was turning greener and greener as they kept moving. At this pace, he was probably going to vomit as soon as his feet touched solid ground.

Finally, after more protective enchantments, the cart screeched to a stop. "Excuse me for a 'mo." Sirius muttered before turning his head to the side, and vomiting. The problem was, when you're dead, you don't eat. Instead, Sirius spit to the side of the cart, before turning to the goblin, who was already hobbling over to Sirius's vault. The goblin placed his hand on the vault door, which after a series of clicks, sprung open. Inside, was the fortune Sirius had earned from his Uncle, and a small amount he had earned back when he had a job. Sirius gathered a handful of Galleons, sickles, and knuts before stepping out of the vault. The goblin sealed the vault, and handed Sirius his key. They re-entered the cart, and went hurtling upwards back to ground level.

Sirius wobbled out of Gringotts, stopped off at a small clothing store, and then made his way back to the Leaky Caldron. He kept his hood up as he slid Tom the barman a few sickles and a Galleon for dinner and a room. He ate his cold Bangers and mash in silence, and walked up to his room.

He shut and locked the door immediately before closing the window and blinds.He walked into the bathroom, showered, and shaved, before changing into a pair of the pajamas he had bought. He slumped onto the bed, before letting his thoughts take over. 'Why was he alive?  What was going on?  Where was Harry?' were just a few of the thoughts that fought to get his attention. The first thing he was going to do, was apparate to Hogsmeade, and make his way up to Hogwarts. 

Sirius closed his eyes, and buried his thoughts deep inside his mind, before turning over and falling asleep.

"Aggripa's sake Lils! How did we get here? I thought Hogwarts had anti-apparition--whoa." Lily and James looked up in awe. Hogwarts was crumbling. Great chunks were missing, and the bridge to Hogwarts was completely burned. Lily grabbed James's hand as they crept slowly into the castle. "James...I'm scared." Lily whispered in the most un-Lily like fashion "Me too." he whispered back. He squeezed her hand reassuringly as they slowly opened the doors to the great hall.

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