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My brother had just died. Well, that's not right.

I mean, he did die but I suppose I can't say it had just happened. But it felt like yesterday that he was right next to me, pestering me to play a game of Casino with him.

It had been two months and a day, and there I was, fiddling with a well worn pack of playing cards marked with a messy "R.M.". Ray Murdock, my brother. My only brother.

His had (surprisingly) been the first empty bunk in our squadron, we'd managed to look out for each other up until the moment it happened. It was quieter without him.

Even in the hangar I sat in, a few members of my squad sat around me, his absence screamed at me. We were all set to go home in two days exactly, the hangar was bustling with life, different personnel from different parts of the air base all rushing to complete their duties before the sun went down.

Reg had put on a record, one we were all familiar with, the case it was held in had 'Peanuts' comic cutouts taped to the inside . The scent of sweat, oil, and hot metal is something I still find hard to forget.

"Hey, Mills?" Reles called, I glanced at him as I tucked the playing cards into my boot, I leaned back in my chair trying to remember what we had even been talking about before I got lost in thought.

"Yeah?" Mills responded, having just come back with a few beers to give to Slivko and Reles while they played a game of cards. I declined one, I didn't really have the stomach for them anymore. I wasn't participating in their game, either. I tried to convince myself that it was only because I didn't like poker, but I knew it was because it reminded me a little too much of Ray.

"How many letters did you end up writing her?" Reles continued, rubbing his chin with a curious look on his face as Mills thought of an answer. I furrowed my brow in confusion. Who had Mills been writing to? I stayed silent, hoping my unasked question would eventually be answered.

"Uh... ten, fifteen." I blinked at Mills, amazed at his dedication. I didn't really have anyone to write to back home, but 10-15 letters seemed like a whole lot to me. So maybe a girl back home for him? I didn't think Mills had a girlfriend. I slowly smiled, amused at the thought of Mills head over heels in love with a girl.

"How many did she write you?" Slivko questioned, his hair moved with the slight movements of his neck, I wondered briefly where his headband was then recalled that he had let me borrow it this morning, it was still holding my curly hair back from my forehead at that moment. I crossed my arms over my chest and looked back to Mills as he answered the question.

"I dunno, three, four." he said, Reg hissed in sympathy and I saw Cole look at us from the corner of my eye, the book he had been reading still open in his hands.

"Wait, are we talking about your girlfriend?" I asked, still lost. Mills shook his head but Cole piped up before he could speak.

"Man, you got a shitty mom." the boys started laughing but I was in disbelief, staring at Mills.

"Four? Your momma wrote you three or four letters, Mills? What, she don't love you?" I questioned, genuinely concerned. Mills sighed and let his head hang, Reles nudged my thigh with his foot as he laughed harder. Slivko parroted my question and fell back in his chair lightly clapping his hands. Amusement was slowly overtaking my concern and a smile crept back onto my face as Mills mumbled some choice words.

"I'm with Cole on this one, Mills. Your mom's kinda... eh." I started laughing as Mills swatted at my shoulder with his hand, I let out an ow that was overtaken by laughter as Mills spoke up again.

"Thank you, assholes, for clearing that up. Thank you." Cole's laughter started up at Mills' half-hearted irritation.

"I'll be sure to tell her that when I see her in the next 48 hours." I let out another laugh before leaning forward to peer at Mills' cards.

"Yeah, you might have a shitty mom." Slivko reiterated, Reles voicing his agreement beside him.

"And you also have a shitty hand." I remarked, grinning as Mills swatted at me, Reles was laughing again and Slivko was trying to get me to reveal what cards Mills had in his hand.

I was and always will be grateful for the distraction those boys provided me with after Ray's death. Fact of the matter is, they were all I had left. My only family after Ray.

And sure, I was excited to not be fighting in a war anymore, but I wasn't excited to part ways with those idiots. They had helped fill the hole in my heart, Reg especially.

But I knew they all wanted to go home, they all missed their families (and moms in Mills' case). Which is why I felt so guilty for wishing we had a reason to stay together, and why I felt so excited when suddenly there was one.

MONSTERS AT THE DOOR [KONG: SKULL ISLAND][R.SLIVKO]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt