I longed for the light

Start from the beginning

Rachel's dad starts to stir and one of the officers holds him down. "Stay there!" He commands.

He does as he's told. They're arrested, and I feel a weight be released from my chest.

They nod and get the others up. One looks at Abby and tells one of the others to get the paramedics.

The paramedics come in and carry out Abby on a stretcher. They take Dani on a stretcher too. She's starting to wake up and Liam follows me.

The police are shoving Rachel and her physco family in the backseat of the cruiser when she screams "This isn't the end! I'll get you!"

"Have fun in prison!" yells Niall as Rachel gives him a particularly rude gesture. The cruiser drives away and one of the cops turns to me while they're loading Dani and Abby into an ambulance.

Dani suddenly sits up before they can get her in. "I don't need this stretcher I'm fine"

One paramedic looks at the other "You should still come in the ambulance" she nods, reaches for Liam's hand and follows them inside.

Danielle's POV

When I first went outside, the sun burned my eyes. It was weird, to have light after being in the dark for so long. After I longed for it, I longed to feel its warmth again and for it to guide me to freedom. Instead of the cold in darkness and shadows.

I followed them inside the ambulance. Liam took the car and Abby was laying there. The car started and the paramedics began to work on Abby.

Louis is silent and holding her hand. Liam's on one side of me and Louis is on the other. His face is fallen .

The paramedics remove the tie on Abby's leg. "Did you do this?" She asks Louis. He nods .

"This was very smart" she says "You stopped a lot of blood". They continue to work on her leg. When one of the paramedics asks to examine the blood stained on the inside of my arm. I lift the sleeve.

He gasps. I don't understand why. All I know is Rachel cut into my skin, not like they haven't seen before. It felt like a different kind of cut though, I couldn't place it at the time. Liam and Louis's eyes go wide when they look.

I turn my arm over. The blood is everywhere but I can still clearly see what it looks like. It spells out "D-I-S-G-R-A-C-E". The words look like they've been etched in blood, and the scar almost feels unreal. Like this doesn't actually happen to people. Or does it? I don't know what to believe anymore.

I know I should be just as shocked as they are but I'm not. They wrap up my arm and I roll down my sleeve

I'm silent for most of the way until I notice Louis. He's crying. Of course he is, his girlfriend could be dead. He only let one tear fall before he looks at me and wipes his eyes.

I can see everything he's feeling, the pain and the worry. I reach out for his hand, and give it a squeeze.

"It'll be alright" I assure him, even if I don't fully believe it.

"How do you know?" He whispers

"I don't" I continue. "But we've come this far. If there's a God out there he won't take her away now. He already saved our lives"

"I never believed in God" says Louis.

"Maybe it's time you did" I say

We arrive at the hospital. It's all one big blur.

I'm sent to a hospital room and they take Abby in for surgery right away.

We get in the room and don't say anything. There are no words needed. Mel's in the bed across from me with Niall, Harry and Zayn by her side. Louis and Liam are with me.

First they have to give me stitches on my arm but it doesn't phase me. There is no way that they can cover up the word. The hatred in seven letters. That's all it took.

They give Mel small things to eat. She has to be eased into it. Same with me. They give me some ice for my bruises.

We all sit in silence. No one says anything. Dr Martin comes in the room and takes a seat beside my bed.

"How's she doing?" I ask him

"Well she's in critical condition, and if the operation doesn't go smoothly there's a chance of paralysis. We don't have enough blood to cover her loss. Would any of you be willing to donate?"

"What blood type is she?" I ask

"B positive"

"So am I" I stick out my arm.

He leaves and returns with a needle.

Once the blood is gone. Louis looks at me.

"Are you okay?" He asks

"I'm fine"

"I'm not" he says "I'm scared Danielle"

"I'm scared too. All we can do is pray that she'll be okay"

I extend my hand to him and he takes it. We bow our heads and close our eyes.

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