Sonic Dark Demon

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Chapter 7: Dark Demon

Sonic started to tremble.

He fell to the ground.

Shadow and Silver backed up.

" You...sick sack of....Eggs!" yelled Sonic. " You always find a way to ruin something! " " Now......" He started.

" Now you pay the price. " Sonic strictly stated.

Sonic looked back, still on the ground.

" Shadow and Silver, with Tails, be gentle like we did with Amy." Sonic told them. " I'll get Metal Sonic. "

" Ok. " Shadow and Silver replied.

Then he got up.

He flipped out.


" Uh-oh. Time to go! WHOA!" yelled Eggman.

Sonic was dark all over. You couldn't see his eyes.

He was Dark Super Sonic.

" Ok. Metal. Still think there can only be one Sonic?" asked Sonic.

Metal didn't say anything.

" Fine." said Sonic.

Metal Sonic and Sonic took off.

Every time Metal Sonic tried to punch Sonic, he blocked it.

Sonic did a spin dash.

So did Metal Sonic.


The spin dashes collided.

The Sonics both stopped spin dashing.

Sonic used Chaos Control.

Sonic appeared behind Metal Sonic.

He punched Metal Sonic in the back.

Metal Sonic was falling.

Sonic Spin Dashed, and landed on Metal Sonic's back.

Because of Sonic's Spin Dash, Metal Sonic fell faster.

Near the ground,  Metal Sonic said: " € £ ¥ 1234789 ^ CRITICAL ERRORRrrrrrrr...."


Metal Sonic was destroyed.

Sonic looked over to the left.

Shadow and Silver were still battling Metal Tails.

" You just can't seem to fight without wanting to CHAOS BLAST someone or snapping their neck." Sonic said in a smart tone.

" Shut up, " grunted Shadow.

" There is no button planted on him." Silver said.

Sonic let out a long sigh.

He punched Metal Tails in the fore head.

The flash of white light was back.

When it went out, Tails was back.

" Tails! " Sonic exclaimed.

" Soniccccc........." Tails mumbled.

" Yeah? " Sonic replied.

" I'll pretend Eggman never called me Metal Sonic's  ' best friend' ." said Tails.

Tails got up and started to walk away.

Followed by our 3 Hedgehog heroes.

Sonic Dark DemonWhere stories live. Discover now