"you know you can help me if you want. i know that game is super interesting and id hate to make you take your attention away from it but getting into college is also super interesting."

he lets out a frustrated breath and takes a seat next to me, taking his shoes off and placing his legs onto the bed as his upper part stands upright.

we do our work in uncomfortable silence and it is immensely bothersome. not like i care, but why is he pretending like nothing happened between us? something happened, and we need to talk about it. it doesn't make any sense.

"why are you pretending like nothing happened between us?," i ask, looking up to meet his tired eyes. bags inhabited his under-eyes and it really made me wonder what he was doing during the night, not that i already don't know.

"mel," he groans, quickly refusing to make eye contact.

"im serious, why are you acting so weird about it?," i respond, stopping the work i was doing.

"it's not that easy."

"what's not that easy? to just talk about it? you're sending totally mixed fucking signals. one day you want me and the next day you can't even look me in the eye. how do you think that makes me feel?"

i feel a tear connect with my cheek and quickly wipe it away, realizing that i'm getting really worked up about it. it's not like i care about him. i cant care about him, he's just some guy i hooked up with. it's just adym for christ's sake. not a big deal.

"hey mel," he whispers sympathetically, connecting his finger with my chin to lift my head up from its current position.

"it's whatever, who cares," i say shrugging it off, picking up my pencil to continue my task.

i hear footsteps around the bottom of my bed and look to see adym's face five inches from mine.

"you know i want you so bad princess," he growls, tucking a strand of stray hair behind my ear.

without even thinking, i crash my lips onto his and overlap my mouth with his. he takes dominance immediately, crawling on top of my weak body and begins to grind. the only layer between his now erect bulge and my already throbbing core is a thin layer of sweatpants and leggings.

i softly moan, throwing my head back.

"please adym."

he stops what he's doing and connects his eyes with mine. we stay like that for about a minute, and his are filled with such lust and sincerity i couldn't help but whimper. it was like we were fucking with our eyes. fucking magic.

he inches down and takes off my leggings with one pull, and then hooking a finger on my panties.

"fuck, you're a bad girl," he mutters into my soaking center as he sees the amount of wetness formed.

taking one finger, he puts it inside of me and gently flicks my clit with his fingernail, making me whimper loudly.


"what's my name," he whispers into me, his heat making me tremble.


he forms his lips into an o shape and lightly kisses my lips, making me latch onto his hair.
i breathe as his tongue enters my center, swirling around the only place i want him to be. his tongue performs acrobatic tricks inside me and i can practically see my brain from the amount of eye rolling im doing.

i feel my legs start to tremble and lip start to quiver as i felt a knot in my stomach build, and adym seemed to notice this too.

"come for daddy princess," he growls, lightly biting on to my clit.

that was enough to make everything gush out, leaving me light headed and airy. that was amazing. far better than anything we would've accomplished doing this project.

"that's my girl," he whispered, kissing my forehead once again.


i'm loving how this story is coming along, thanks for all the love and support guys i can't thank you all enough.

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