The beginning (chapter one)

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MY TOY DONUT!!'' Screamed Frank and Rosie. ''DINNER!'' called snowflake their mother. Rosie and frank did their routine ate got there pup bags and run outside. They don't come back for an hour but they come back sweating. There mother always asks where they have been they say at a friends and the make up a crazy game the played. One night there mum was annoyed she wouldn't stop asking until they told her she knew the look on there face. Frank had an idea ''Well mum we have been at a secret...'' Frank started. Rosie looked at him like don't say it!! ''Secrete club where we work hard.'' frank finished. Rosie was relieved. They ran upstairs frank was chewing a bone and Rosie was lying down. ''We cannot tell mum you got me worried frank.'' said Rosie. ''Of course I wouldn't .'' said frank. ''We will not come undercover from our true selves. '' said them both. ''FOR WE ARE A SECRETE...''  ''What?'' said snowflake. ''Uhhhhhhhhhhhh.'' said Rosie rank. ''NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!'' screamed them both.

 To be continued

Rosie and Franks adventuresOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz