Chores {V}

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Taehyung was always really lazy when it came to doing something like chores.  And Jin had to do all of them. That was until one little day.




Jin just came back from collage and boy was he pissed off. His lunch fell on the ground so he was starving, his teacher gave him an F in history so he was pretty much stressed out. But worst of all chased home by fans. And Taehyung didn't do anything that he asked him to do.

"Taehyung did you do your chores?"

"Wai- hold up. I'm watching anime."

"TAEHYUNG!" Jin yelled.

"What?" He replied lazily.

"Do your chores or else." Jin threatened.

"Or else what?" He dared him.

That wasn't the smartest thing that he could say.

Jin was already tired. And pissed off.

He glanced at Taehyung. He gave to the 'really' face.

"Go to your room." He said blankly.

"Oh my g-"

"Just go." Jin directed.

He had no time for complaints. Jin felt unhappy at the moment and he didn't want to take it on Taehyung.

Taehyung refused. He just whined as Jin turned off the TV.

"Hyung! Move!!!" Taehyung shouted.

"Get over the couch, and you don't have a choice." Jin glared.


"Do it."

Taehyung felt tears brim at the corners of his eyes.

Jin just started to smack him harder and harsher.

Taehyung let out loud cries.

I'm not fucking finishing this chapter it's shit bye..


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