Chapter 2

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Justin's POV

I got up and grabbed my keys, everyone looked at me weird. "I gotta find her" I said before grabbing Ryan's arm and dragging him out the door. Scooter, Kenny and Ryan Good followed me, I needed Kenny just in case I got mobbed. I went to get in my car when Scooter pulled me into a limo. Yes because that's not gonna get me noticed, thanks Scooter. I sat down next to Ry Butler, "you like her don't you?" he whispered to me, I nodded. I HAD to find her. And if I didn't I don't know what I would do, yeah this may sound weird but it was love at first sight. I mean I think I actually love her, I don't know. It's all so complicated, I just had to find her.

Scooters POV

You could tell that Justin loved the girl, Ashleigh I think her name was? Anyway he ran out of the door faster then a rocket. It was a silent ride but we finally got to where they were holding the X-Factor auditions, you may be asked how did we watch it live? Yeah it was a special episode thing. I don't know. We got there and Justin legged it back stage(they let him in cause he's him) he raced in and ran over to Dermot and started asking him questions, Dermot looked at him weird, "HOLD UP" I shouted, "Justin calm down, we're looking for the girl called Ashleigh? The one that sang down to earth?", he looked confused then realised who we were in about "oh her" he exclaimed "she left for her Friends dance exam, but she was amazing wasn't she?" we all looked at him like 'seriously we know she's amazing thats why we're here' "but we have her number in our documents I'm sure we'll be aloud to give them to you" Dermot said walking over to the reseption area where the contestants sign in. He looked through a couple of paper then handed me a piece of paper "her number" he said before walking away. "We're calling her" Justin exclaimed grabbing the paper out of my hand. Ashleigh was gonna freak.

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