A Heart Devoid of Innocence

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Note to serena-harper: I might need suggestions for the plot line if I am going to create this fiction.

Inspired by AND a lighter less-violent and explicit version of XxTheDarkBeatXx's Cold Heart of Hate. Something terrible has occurred and it has caused Stampy so much pain, he has now become something else than his usual goofy self, but rather a meaner, more ruthless type, and it is having an adverse effect on the his relationships with his friends and Serena, as well as his education. Can Serena and the gang change him back before he becomes so different, he will never be his old self again?

Main cast:


Myself as Tom Jennings

serena-harper as Serena Harper




Some mild threat, moderate violence.

No smut

Main ships: Jetra, Stamperena.

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