Chapter 16

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Hi pixies :)

Another update, but before that I want to thank @RishikaKumar3 for giving me a chance to join their #ProjectWeirdo's Annual Weirdo's Awards. If you're into 'Badboys', please don't hesitate to read her story The Bad Boy's Hottie.

That's all. Enjoy reading :)

"No one is afraid to say I love you, they are afraid of the response." - Anonymous

Werewolf Kingdom
Romanov Estate/Castle
The King's Chambers

Fyrrah's POV

I wasn't kidding when I said he looked horrible. Alessio looked like he had just risen from the grave and I can't help feeling awful because I was the reason behind all of these shit.

He had stayed with me ever since I woke up, taking care of me and making sure I'm always relaxed and with a smile on my face. When I asked him about what they have found on the informations we got from the underground base he refused to tell me, saying he will take care of it and for now all I have to do is to get well and worry about it later. We haven't heard a word about what Tristan and the rest in his office had found for hours, but when they called for a meeting everything was explained. At first, Alessio told me that I should stay in the room and rest but I insisted on coming with him. I was right when I insisted, because what they have found was enough to shake the foundation I once built.

There in the screen, flashing in different colors was the list. Berlin said that the accounts with the corresponding names written in black were found in the Spirit Kingdom; red in the Fire Kingdom; blue in the Water Kingdom; white in the Air Kingdom; green in the Earth Kingdom; gray in the Werewolves; silver in the Vamps; violet in the Witches; bronze in the Demons; and gold in the Angels.

I was silently studying the names of the traitors in each kingdom. Honestly, I don't know if I should feel elated because we found out this early that this organization is all around the realm or angry that I was as clueless as a child that I never thought of it before. I mean, for goodness' sake the clues were all in front of me. The rogues and the fuckin' stray witches screams it.

"This is not an ordinary rebellion, Fyrrah." Tristan spoke after a while.

I didn't say anything for a while, just staring at the names in front of me. Sandoval Harke, an ESDC member... So that's why when a crime is committed it always leads to me. Bastards. "Do you know any of the two wolves?"

Alessio answered with a growl beside me, "Mercurio D'Luca... he's a rogue."

"The other one's a fake name. I assumed that he has a pack since he wouldn't bother hiding his real identity if he's a rogue like D'Luca." Berlin voiced out his opinion. Pretty reasonable, I thought as I nod in agreement.

Anthony sighed, "So... what now?"

I gritted my teeth in annoyance. We don't have any other choice, "Call the king of the Air Kingdom." I ordered with finality.

Curses were heard throughout the room making me raise an eyebrow at them. "Problem?"

"I don't want that man in my territory!" Alessio growled lowly as he encircled his arms around me possessively. I chuckled inwardly seeing jealousy written all over his face.

"You don't want to? Fine." I heard him sigh in relief but he grew tensed once again when I removed his arms around me. "I can always visit him in his territory."

As I dematerialized in front of them I heard Alessio roar in anger, "FUCK! CALL THAT DAMN KING, TRISTAN!!!"

I giggled as I ran away from Alessio's office. His growls and the loud thump of his feet were heard throughout the hallways coming after me.

Now, where would be a great place to hide?


"Vulcan," it was softly spoken yet the power and coldness it entails drifted through the air. Cold, emotionless eyes regarded me passively before it went down to the arm encircled in my waist protectively.

"Aer, it's good to see you again." I greeted with a friendly smile. He extended his hand for a handshake but before I could grab it, another hand did.

"Alpha Romanov." Alessio shook his hand, all the while remaining stoic and emotionless like the king in front of me. I just rolled my eyes at his behavior. The green eyed monster's in control of his brain right now.

I was about to invite him in when a familiar face appeared before my eyes. My eyes widened at the same time his did, "Virgo?!" I squealed.

He chuckled, opening his arms for me. Alessio let go of me and I ran straight in my brother's arms. "You missed me that much huh, sis?"

I nodded eagerly while still embracing him. When he let go of me he scanned my body from head to toe for any injuries with narrowed eyes, good thing my wounds are hidden.

"Well, you look fine. They seemed to take good care of you, sis."

I heard Tristan grumble under his breath, "She raids the fridge everyday, duh."

Virgo chuckled at that, "Pig."

"Ass." I retorted coming to stand beside Alessio once again. His arm wrapped around me as he led everyone to his conference room.

Once everyone was inside and in their proper places he sat on the chair at the head of the table pulling me down to sit on his lap. King Aer was watching without any emotion, right at the opposite chair. I saw how Virgo stared at Alessio with narrowed eyes but he didn't say anything.

"It is an honor that you considered our invitation." Alessio started, "We found useful informations in one of the underground bases of Leonardo Calisto's group."

To this, King Aer sat attentively. "I'm listening." He nodded.

"Elisa was kidnapped by Leo, in hopes of finding clues as to where did they took her we attacked one of the three main bases in the neutral territory. Unfortunately, we still don't know where to find her but we found out that Chameleon was distributed throughout the realm. Even in your Kingdom and the closed ones like the Spirits."

His eyebrows furrowed at what I said, "Chameleon?"

Berlin handed him a copy of the Chameleon's information. "It is a potion made up of mixed wolfsbane, vervain, human chemicals and binding spells of witches. With the right amount it can hide your scent and aura, anymore than that can kill you. It freezes your natural abilities including healing and shifting, making you close to being human. It can also weaken the enemies by spraying an enough amount in the air." He explained.

"You mean this is illegally distributed in the realm. Why is it not commercialized then??" He taunted. If Chameleon alone won't scare him, then this coming information will...

"Because these are only exclusive to their members throughout the realm." Alessio growled, "This is used when they want those members to assassinate someone in the kingdom they are assigned."

Silence filled the room, only the two kings' heavy breaths were heard. I was about to continue and say the most important information when the door opened with a bang and a very flustered and heavily panting Artemis stood in the doorway. I chuckled at her appearance, probably from running around the castle just to find the conference room. All eyes turned to her and her cheeks flushed red even more when she noticed us having a meeting.

"I... I'm sorry to interrupt but I need to talk to Fyrrah."

"Good afternoon to you too." Virgo winked at her. Tsk, typical.

"You can choose to sit down for a while and collect yourself while we continue or if it's really urgent we can go now." I smiled warmly and she returned it with her own.

"It can wait." She chuckled and went to sit on the vacant chair beside King Aer. That's when I noticed how strange he stares at her. There was something in his eyes, like when Alessio stares at me sometimes... something close to... Adoration??

Looks like King Aer finally found his match.

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