Part 1: The City

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Day 1

Things are risky for both me and Marcy. Every alley I've seen has had horrible things contained. So far, there have been bad smells coming from one, most of them was stacked with rubble, but the worst...was filled with disfigured corpses. I think one of the bodies even moved. Must be paranoia kicking in, though. Nevertheless, I told Marcy to look away.

Most of my day was made up of protecting the child. Things were very calm until...

"Hey Simon, what's that on your bag?"

Before I could even ask I knew what she was talking about: the dreaded crown.

"Uh, that, Marcy, is something dangerous. I want you to make a big promise: you must NEVER touch this, okay?"

She nodded, then stayed silent until we camped out in a nearby park. Like most of the plant life, the grass and trees were dead. I was completely normal until Marcy made a camp fire.

Fear took control of my mind. I quickly backed away from it, fearing I would melt.


Marcy looked at me curiously. I caught my breath, trying to remain calm.

"M-Marcy... I'm sorry for acting weirdly. I'll tell you about it in the morning. Until then please remember not to touch the crown."

We both went to sleep. My dream was horrible: I had witnessed the explosion once again, forced to relive the horror. This time, however, I could see more things. I didn't notice before, but I managed to see a dark shape leave from the explosion, completely unharmed. The shape was...a man? It's impossible, nothing human could have survived!

The scene changed. Floating in a dark void was my old self, the original Simon Petrikov. He was different, though. His voice was the same one the crown used when it spoke to me.

"Poor Simon, so helpless, so broken, so...untrusting."

"What are you talking about?!"

"Don't you see, Simon? You have invited into your heart a monster. The child is not to be trusted. Leave her, Simon. Come to me."

"N-no! You ruined my life! And Marcy needs me, you hear?! SHE NEEDS MY HELP!"

"Hmhmhmhmhmhmhmhm. Tell me, how many children with sharp teeth and grey skin have you met? None, that's how many. Marceline is not human. I've seen her kind before, always pretending to be helpless before turning on their so-called friends. Leave her, Simon. Come to me, become one with the ice and snow!"

Day 2

Simon's POV

I awoke in a state of fear. Marceline was already awake, cooking one of my tins on the fire. For a child so young, she knows how to take care of herself. What am I saying? She may not be human. I need to find out for myself.

Immediately, I looked at my bag. Luckily, the crown was still there. If she wore the crown, she may end up like me: a shell of my former self.

"Morning, Simon!" she said cheerfully.

"Marcy, I want you to be truthful: are you human?"


I was shocked. The crown was right, it knew that Marceline was an otherworldly creature.

"I'm going to explain everything. It may not be the most realistic of stories, but I promise, it's all true. It's important that you pay attention, okay?"

Marcy nodded.

"The crown attached to my bag is dangerous. When I first wore it, it talked to me, showed me horrible things. Shortly after, my skin and hair changed. When I wear this crown, I'm a completely different person. Every time I've worn it, my friends... What I'm trying to say is that if I wear it, I want you to take the crown off before I become too crazy. Okay?"

Surprisingly, Marcy took the news calmly and agreed to help, as if my situation was incredibly unimportant. Before I could speak, the ground started to vibrate. The earth started to mound, claws emerged from underground, and an ugly head poked out. It looked like a mole, but I guess it must have mutated from the explosion. It growled, then started tunnelling towards us.

As I reached for my crown, Marcy yelled, "Simon! Don't wear the crown!"

"I have to! Otherwise, we're both going to die!"

I then embraced the cold.

Marcy's POV

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2014 ⏰

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